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How to catch exception and stop Topshelf service?


I have a topshelf windows service where I want to do some checking (i.e. if an xml file exists) and if the check fails I need the windows service to stop.

So I tried doing the check in the Start() method and then raise an exception:

public void Start()
    if (!File.Exists(_xmlFile) throw new FileNotFoundException();
    // Do some work here if xml file exists.

However, the windows service stays around as a process after the exception which I then have to kill manually in the task manager.

Is there a way to not run the service if certain conditions (i.e. file not found) hold?

like image 278
JD. Avatar asked May 21 '14 19:05


2 Answers

You could use the HostControl object and modify your method like this:

public bool Start(HostControl hostControl)
    if (!File.Exists(_xmlFile) 
        return true;

    // Do some work here if xml file exists.

And you will need to pass the HostControl in to the Start method like this:

HostFactory.Run(conf =>
    conf.Service<YourService>(svcConf =>
        svcConf.WhenStarted((service, hostControl) =>
            return service.Start(hostControl);
like image 86
julio.g Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 08:11


Each of the WhenXxx methods can also take an argument of the HostControl interface, which can be used to request the service be stopped, request additional start/stop time, etc.

In such case, change signature of start() to be bool start(HostControl hc). Retain reference to this HostControl in the service as follow:

public bool Start(HostControl hc)
    hostControl = hc;
    return true;

Now when you want to stop the service use following call:

like image 22
101V Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 08:11
