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How to catch Ctrl + Alt + RShftKey



For some time I'm trying to catch Ctrl + Alt + Right Shift Key under common VBNET key handler. Here are my tests:

    If e.Control And e.Alt And e.KeyCode = Keys.Space Then
        MsgBox("CTRL + ALT + SPACE") ' This work
    End If

    If e.Control And e.Shift And e.KeyCode = Keys.F10 Then
        MsgBox("CTRL + SHIFT + F10") ' This work
    End If

    If e.Control And e.Alt And e.KeyCode = Keys.ShiftKey Then
        MsgBox("CTRL + ALT + SHIFT") ' This work
    End If

    If e.Alt And e.Shift And e.KeyCode = Keys.LWin Then
        MsgBox("ALT + SHIFT + LEFT WINDOWS") ' This work
    End If

    If e.Control And e.Alt And e.KeyCode = Keys.RShiftKey Then
        MsgBox("CTRL + ALT + RIGHT SHIFT") ' This don't work
    End If

Windows 7, WinForms, VB2008, NET framework 2.0

Why I can't catch Ctrl + Alt + Right Shift Key in described situation?
Or, how do I catch Ctrl + Alt + Right Shift Key combination?

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Wine Too Avatar asked Aug 16 '13 21:08

Wine Too

People also ask

Which method captures Alt Ctrl and Shift keys?

To implement the Ctrl / Alt / Shift detection, you can use the properties event. ctrlKey , event. altKey , and event.

What is Ctrl Alt Shift do?

Ctrl+Alt+ShiftCopy a reference (a relative path) of a symbol to the Clipboard. with the specified name. Open the Highlighting levelpopup. Paste the last entry from the Clipboard as plain text.

Which method used to capture a LT Ctrl Meta or Shift keys?

A KeyEventArgs, which specifies the key the user pressed and whether any modifier keys (CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT) were pressed at the same time, is passed with each KeyDown or KeyUp event.

How do I find my shift key?

The Shift key is located in the second row of keys from the bottom on the far left, above the Ctrl key. There is a ⇧ symbol on the key. What is the function of the Shift key? The Shift key is a so-called control key on the computer keyboard.

2 Answers

There is no way to detect difference between Shifts using standard VB.NET approach. You will have to hook into Windows API for that:

 <System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll")> _
    Private Shared Function GetAsyncKeyState(vKey As Keys) As Short
    End Function

    Private Sub Form2_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown

        If e.Control And e.Alt And e.Shift Then

            If Convert.ToBoolean(GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.LShiftKey)) Then
                MsgBox("CTRL + ALT + LEFT SHIFT")
            ElseIf Convert.ToBoolean(GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.RShiftKey)) Then
                MsgBox("CTRL + ALT + RIGHT SHIFT")
            End If

        End If

    End Sub
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Yuriy Galanter Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 07:11

Yuriy Galanter

Well, this is tricky since these are all modifier keys and the user could press them in any order. You'll need to do some filtering to ensure that a 4th key press doesn't again produce a match, a problem with the accepted answer. And the right-shift key is difficult, it is reported as Keys.Shift when pressed. That requires pinvoke to check if the key is down.

This worked well:

Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
    If Control.ModifierKeys = (Keys.Control Or Keys.Alt Or Keys.Shift) Then
        If e.KeyCode = Keys.ControlKey Or e.KeyCode = Keys.Menu Or e.KeyCode = Keys.ShiftKey Then
            If GetKeyState(Keys.RShiftKey) < 0 And GetKeyState(Keys.LShiftKey) >= 0 Then
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal key As Keys) As Short

This works by first verifying that all three modifier keys are down. Then it checks that the last key was pressed was one of the three keys, the filtering that ensures you don't get too many matches. Finally it checks if the right-shift key is down and it didn't get there by pressing the left-shift as well.

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Hans Passant Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 08:11

Hans Passant