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How to capture video from webcam(in java)? [duplicate]

I want to develop an application in java to capture video from webcam and store it onto a particular location.Can anyone provide me the working code?

What type(usb,ip etc..) of webcam is the best in order to develop the application.

Please help me. how to proceed?

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Ishan Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 06:12


1 Answers

I would recommend using webcam-capture project (I'm the author). There is a example of how to record video from webcam device - you can find it here. This project can handle embedded camera device as well as those connected to USB or IP cameras. It is working on most operating systems (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, Linux, Mac OS, Raspbian, etc) and you don't have to install any additional software to run it. The choice is yours.

I would not recommend using JMF - is completely outdated and you have to install it on your PC first, so if you consider your application to be portable, you have to have this in your mind too.

like image 80
Bartosz Firyn Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 01:12

Bartosz Firyn