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How to capture value of dropdown widget in bokeh python?

The official documentation of bokeh 0.12.1 in the link give the below code for creating a dropdown.


But it doesn't clearly mention how to capture the value of the dropdown widget when someone click and selects a value from the dropdown.

from bokeh.io import output_file, show
from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox
from bokeh.models.widgets import Dropdown


menu = [("Item 1", "item_1"), ("Item 2", "item_2"), None, ("Item 3", "item_3")]
dropdown = Dropdown(label="Dropdown button", button_type="warning", menu=menu)



Is see that there are 2 methods called on_click() & on_change() but from the documentation couldn't figure out how to capture the value. How can we assign the selected value to a new variable?


Based on input from @Ascurion i have updated my code as shown below. But when i select a value in dropdown nothing is printed in ipython console in Spyder. Please advise.

    from bokeh.io import output_file, show
    from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox
    from bokeh.models.widgets import Dropdown


    menu = [("Item 1", "item_1"), ("Item 2", "item_2"), None, ("Item 3", "item_3")]
    dropdown = Dropdown(label="Dropdown button", button_type="warning", menu=menu)

    def function_to_call(attr, old, new):
        print dropdown.value

    dropdown.on_change('value', function_to_call)
like image 665
GeorgeOfTheRF Avatar asked Aug 23 '16 11:08


2 Answers

In Bokeh 2.0.0, Dropdown.value was removed. The correct way to get what item has been clicked is:

from bokeh.models import Dropdown

d = Dropdown(label='Click me', menu=['a', 'b', 'c'])

def handler(event):

like image 144
Eugene Pakhomov Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 13:10

Eugene Pakhomov

EDIT This answer does not apply for Bokeh Versions 2.X.X anymore. See comment and the other answer below.

If you set on_change e.g. as follows:

dropdown.on_change('value', function_to_call)

one can access the value of the selected item in function_to_call as follows:

def function_to_call(attr, old, new):
    print dropdown.value

For this to work dropdown has to be defined before function_to_call.

The documentation on how to access values set in widgets with on_click and on_change (bokeh version 12.1) can be found here at the top of the page:



To get interactive feedback you have to run bokeh in server mode, so that the python code can be evaluated when you interact with a widget. I changed your example slightly to allow to be run with the

bokeh serve --show file_name.py

command. The code below then prints out the selected item in the terminal.

from bokeh.io import output_file, show
from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox
from bokeh.models.widgets import Dropdown
from bokeh.plotting import curdoc

menu = [("Quaterly", "time_windows"), ("Half Yearly", "time_windows"), None, ("Yearly", "time_windows")]
dropdown = Dropdown(label="Time Period", button_type="warning", menu=menu)

def function_to_call(attr, old, new):
    print dropdown.value

dropdown.on_change('value', function_to_call)


See here for more information:


like image 39
Ascurion Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 13:10
