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how to capture bootstrap modal open/close event in meteor js

I am trying to capture bootstrap modal open/close event in meteor js to do some custom checks. I know how to do it in jquery:

$('#videoCallModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
  // do something…

but since I also want to refer the context (this object), I want to do it in Template.template.events.

I tried something like, but the function was not invoked:

Template.videoCall.events = {
    'on #videoCallModal shown.bs.modal': function(e){

        console.log("modal open", this);

Is there any other way to capture the close/open of modal in meteor js

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Aashu Agarwal Avatar asked Sep 18 '14 03:09

Aashu Agarwal

2 Answers

The correct syntax is:

  'shown.bs.modal #videoCallModal': function(e){
    /* ... */

See this meteorpad.

like image 146
user3374348 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11


I created peppelg:bootstrap-3-modal to provide a simple way to handle modals in Meteor. With it, you can use the created and destroyed callbacks (just as your used to in Meteor!), instead of the open and close events.

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Peppe L-G Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11

Peppe L-G