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How to capture an URL parameter - Magento



I have the following requirement: my URLs can be any of the following

  • http://localhost.com/index.php/?resid=anyvalue
  • http://localhost.com/index.php/storeviewname/?resid=anyvalue, or ......?resid=anyvalue

I want to capture the resid value and place it in the backend and save it along the order the customer makes.

I.e., if ?resid=133 is requested and the customer later proceeds to make an order, I want the resid to be saved (133) along with the order id (say 100000123).

And later I want the resid value to be shown in the sales order grid (in admin).

Can somebody guide me in doing this?

like image 734
kuhajeyan Avatar asked Dec 08 '11 11:12


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1 Answers

In the controller do $this->getRequest()->getParam('resid') to get the value. Save that in the user's session. To save it in the order, you have to add a field to the Order table then you can add it to the Order object once its created. You'll have to then overwrite the Grid Block used to display orders to add that field to the grid. It'll be a lot of work to do this all.

like image 153
Max Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09
