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How to cancel evaluating a required Ruby file? (a.k.a. top-level return)

file1 requires file2, and I want to be able to cancel evaluating file2 under certain conditions without exiting the whole process.

# file1.rb
  puts "In file 1"
  require 'file2'
  puts "Back in file 1"

# file2.rb
  puts "In file 2"
  # return if some_conditional
  puts "Still in file 2"

When running file1, the output I want to see is:

In file 1
In file 2
Back in file 1

The goal is for Still in file 2 to never print, while Back in file 1 does print. Is there anything I can do in file2 to make this possible?

I can't use exit/exit!/abort here because Back in file 1 will never print. I could use raise/fail, but to do that I would have to change file1 and rescue the failed require. I'm hoping to find a way that doesn't involve altering file1.


A "top-level return" feature has been added.

like image 406
user513951 Avatar asked Dec 18 '15 01:12


4 Answers

Lines below __END__ will not be executed.

# file2.rb
puts "In file 2" 
puts "Still in file 2" # Never gets called
like image 137
steenslag Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 01:10



A "top-level return" feature has been added.


Commenter matt pointed out that Feature 4840, which would do exactly what I'm asking about, has been in discussion since June 2011. Further, the feature was still being discussed as late as November 2015 in core team meetings regarding new Ruby features.

There are a lot of difficulties involved in designing a feature like this; for a list of the pros and cons, I highly suggest checking out the discussions.

The proposed feature would allow exiting the required file while using any of the the following top-level statements:

if condition

while condition
  # ...

  # ...
  # ...
  # ...

And it would not exit the required file in the following statements:

class Foo
  return # LocalJumpError

def foo
  return # returns from method, not from required file

proc do
  return # LocalJumpError

x = -> { return } # returns as from lambda, not from required file

Since the feature remains unimplemented, I have awarded the bounty to steenslag for successfully solving the problem (as originally written) to the letter, if not the spirit.

like image 4
user513951 Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 01:10


I don't know of any official method for breaking out of required files, especially as there are several require methods (e.g., bundler monkey patches require)

The best solution I could come up with was using rubys throw-catch control flow. I'm not sure conditional you're using to determine if execute should return early, but this should be able to cope with most situations

# file1.rb
puts "In file 1" 
catch(:done) do
    require 'file2' end
puts "Back in file 1"

# file2.rb
puts "In file 2" 
throw :done
puts "Still in file 2" # Never gets called
like image 1
maniacalrobot Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10


Is using a method possible ? It will still parse the method but won't get executed. Something like :

  puts "In file 1"
  require 'file2'
  puts "Back in file 1"

  puts "In file 2"
  # <= A

  def a_method
    puts "Still in file 2"
like image 1
Thong Kuah Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10

Thong Kuah