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How to call super method when overriding a method through a trait


It would appear that it is possible to change the implementation of a method on a class with a trait such as follows:

trait Abstract { self: Result =>
    override def userRepr = "abstract"

abstract class Result {
    def userRepr: String = "wtv"

case class ValDefResult(name: String) extends Result {
    override def userRepr = name

val a = new ValDefResult("asd") with Abstract

Live code is available here: http://www.scalakata.com/52534e2fe4b0b1a1c4daa436

But now I would like to call the previous or super implementation of the function such as follows:

trait Abstract { self: Result =>
    override def userRepr = "abstract" + self.userRepr


trait Abstract { self: Result =>
    override def userRepr = "abstract" + super.userRepr

However, none of these alternatives compile. Any idea how this could be accomplished?

like image 715
jedesah Avatar asked Oct 08 '13 00:10


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The trait function can be overridden simply by defining a function with the same name in the class.

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Invoking overridden method from sub-class : We can call parent class method in overriding method using super keyword. Overriding and constructor : We can not override constructor as parent and child class can never have constructor with same name(Constructor name must always be same as Class name).

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Traits are a useful way of keeping our code DRY (i.e. not repeating ourselves) and sharing methods amongst classes. The fact that we can override and extend the methods from a trait makes them extremely useful!

1 Answers

Here is the answer I was looking for. Thank you Shadowlands for pointing me in the right direction with Scala's abstract override feature.

trait Abstract extends Result {
    abstract override def userRepr = "abstract " + super.userRepr

abstract class Result {
    def userRepr: String = "wtv"

case class ValDefResult(name: String) extends Result {
    override def userRepr = name

val a = new ValDefResult("asd") with Abstract

Live code is available here: http://www.scalakata.com/52536cc2e4b0b1a1c4daa4a4

Sorry for the confusing example code, I am writing a library that deals with the Scala AST and was not inspired enough to change the names.

like image 130
jedesah Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 08:11
