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How to call Java's Stream.collect() from groovy?

Having some background with FP from Scala I really don't like Groovy's names for collections methods. Given that and some architectural choices made above, I found using a Java 8 streams API (plus java.util.Optional) in Groovy code an appealing solution.

Until I hit this:

def finalCollection = [ 'some', 'items', 'really', 'not', 'important' ].stream()
        .map { aMethodReturningOptional(it) } //map String to Optional<Item>
        .flatMap { it.map(Stream.&of).orElseGet(Stream.&empty) } //convert to Stream<Item>
        .collect() //Groovy's collect, not stream's!

Note it works only in Groovy 2+ - treating closure as lambda. What bothers me is the last line of the example code. Groovy translates the call to the DefaultGroovyMethods.collect() instead of Stream.collect() that I originally wanted to use. Of course then the last line would be:

        .collect(Collectors.toList()) //Should call Java collect, but it doesn't

It seems counter-intuitive to me, that some extension method is called instead of native, 'built-in' method of the class.

How can I rewrite the example so the Stream.collect() method would be called?

UPDATE: After some more fiddling, I've found out what problem I had originally. I wrote .collect{Collectors.toList()} (note curly braces), which of course called Groovy method, not Java. Note to self: remember to quadruple-check before posting...

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Jerzyna Avatar asked Oct 19 '15 10:10


People also ask

Can we use stream in groovy?

Groovy 2.5. 0 adds several methods to make working with Java 8 Streams more Groovy. First of all the methods toList and toSet are added to the Stream class. These methods will convert the stream to a List and Set using the Stream.

What is stream () method in Java?

A stream is a sequence of objects that supports various methods which can be pipelined to produce the desired result. The features of Java stream are – A stream is not a data structure instead it takes input from the Collections, Arrays or I/O channels.

Which is the correct way of obtaining a stream from the collection?

You obtain a stream from a collection by calling the stream() method of the given collection. Here is an example of obtaining a stream from a collection: List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>(); items.

1 Answers

Using Collectors.toList() you can get what you want to do:

import java.util.stream.*

class Item {
    final String name

    Item(name) {
        this.name = name

    String toString() {

def itemize(String name) {
    Optional.of(new Item(name))

def finalCollection = [ 'some', 'items', 'really', 'not', 'important' ].stream()
        .map { itemize(it) } //map String to Optional<Item>
        .flatMap { it.map(Stream.&of).orElseGet(Stream.&empty) } //convert to Stream<Item>
        .collect (Collectors.toList()) 

assert 'java.util.ArrayList' == finalCollection.class.name        
assert finalCollection.collect { it.name } == ['some', 'items', 'really', 'not', 'important']

Anyway, with groovy 2.4.5 the above is working also with

def finalCollection = [ 'some', 'items', 'really', 'not', 'important' ].stream()
        .map { itemize(it) } //map String to Optional<Item>
        .flatMap { it.map(Stream.&of).orElseGet(Stream.&empty) } //convert to Stream<Item>

that uses groovy's collect:

transforming each item into a new value using Closure.IDENTITY as a transformer, basically returning a list of items copied from the original object.

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jalopaba Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 11:10
