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How to call flash actionscript callback method from javascript?

I tried to call a flash callback method from JavaScript. But it seems not working. The flash action script example code is like below [Simplified]:

import flash.events.ActivityEvent; 
import flash.events.StatusEvent; 
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;

var test_var = ExternalInterface.addCallback("js_method_to_call", flash_method);

function flash_method()
  return "test"; 

The javascript example code is written below [Simplified]:

 function callFlashMethod(){
   var flashFile = eval("window.document.test");
 function loadTest(){
   swfobject.embedSWF("test.swf", "test", "1", "1", "10.0.0", false);


It is always display the error in fire bug console "flashFile.js_method_to_call is not a function".

like image 505
Tricks By Sam Avatar asked Oct 05 '11 07:10

Tricks By Sam

1 Answers

Here's something that should work really good:

  1. Use SWFObject.js for embedding the Flash content:

    // Embedding through SWFObject rocks in comparison with Adobe shits:
    var flashvars = {};
    var params                  =   {};
    params.menu                 =   "false";
    params.salign               =   "t";
    params.scale                =   "noscale";
    params.wmode                =   "transparent";
    params.allowScriptAccess    =   "always";
    var attributes              =   {};
    attributes.id = "${swf}";
    swfobject.embedSWF("${swf}.swf", "flashDiv", "${width}", "${height}", "9.0.0", "", flashvars, params, attributes);
  2. Use this for the HTML:

        <div id="flashDiv"></div>
  3. To call your Flash method use this pattern:

    // Functions needed for calling Flex ExternalInterface
    function thisMovie(movieName) 
        if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) 
            return window[movieName];
            return document[movieName];
  4. Call the Flash method:

    function callFlashMethod()
like image 66
Vladimir Tsvetkov Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 23:10

Vladimir Tsvetkov