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How to call F# type extensions (static member functions) from C#




FSharp code is structured as following (I'm not in control of the source).

namespace FS

[<AbstractClass; Sealed>]
type TestType() = 
    static member IrrelevantFunction() = 

module Extensions = 
    type TestType with
        //How do we call this from C#
        static member NeedToCallThis() = 

module Caller = 
    let CallIt() = 
        //F# can call it

C# calling code is as follows

public void Caller()

    //We want to call this


    //namespace FS
    //    [Microsoft.FSharp.Core.AutoOpenAttribute]
    //    [Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilationMappingAttribute]
    //    public static class Extensions
    //    {
    //        public static int TestType.NeedToCallThis.Static();
    //    }

    //None of these compile
like image 565
Kenneth Ito Avatar asked Mar 29 '16 22:03

Kenneth Ito

1 Answers

I don't believe the method can be called directly from C# without using reflection, as the compiled method name is not a valid method name in C#.

Using reflection, you can call it via:

var result = typeof(FS.Extensions).GetMethod("TestType.NeedToCallThis.Static").Invoke(null,null);
like image 58
Reed Copsey Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09

Reed Copsey