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How to call extension method "ElementAt"of List<T> with reflection?

I have problem that after creating object "oListType01" of type List < MyClass01 > and after assigning it to the another objet "oObjectType " of type "object" I can not access any more function "ElementAt(1)". I tried by using reflection but I am always getting exception(parameter conflict) in "Invoke" method. Does anyone knows why ? Milan

MyClass01 oMy1 = new MyClass01();
oMy1._ID = "1";

MyClass01 oMy2 = new MyClass01();
oMy2._ID = "3";

IList<MyClass01> oListType01 = new List<MyClass01>();


object oObjectType = new object();

oObjectType = oListType01;

From here fowrads only object oObjectType is available (upwards happens in separate function call in the real case). In VS oObjectType shows two element which I would like to access per reflection.

MethodInfo mInfo = typeof(System.Linq.Enumerable).GetMethod("ElementAt").MakeGenericMethod(typeof(object));
object oSingleObject = mInfo.Invoke(oObjectType, new object[] { 1 });
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milan Avatar asked Dec 22 '09 19:12


1 Answers

I will assume you have a valid reason to be doing this but it seems a little wrong. That said here is some code that will accomplish what you are trying to do.

MethodInfo mInfo = typeof(System.Linq.Enumerable).GetMethod("ElementAt").MakeGenericMethod(typeof(MyClass01));
object oSingleObject = mInfo.Invoke(oObjectType, new object[] { oObjectType, 1 });

When I run this code I get the second element in the List.

like image 55
Shaun Bowe Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 02:11

Shaun Bowe