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How to call another intent without prompting to user in Lex?

Is it possible to trigger intent-B from the lambda function of intent-A without prompting to user?
Suppose user typed something and an intent-A is fired, after some processing I want to trigger some other intent i.e intent-B.
User can also directly trigger intent-B through specific utterances. Any help is appreciated.

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sid8491 Avatar asked Dec 01 '17 06:12


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2 Answers

I ended up doing below to call intent-B from intent-A without prompting anything to user:

  • give access to invoke lambda functions to your calling lambda function i.e lambda function of intent-A
  • get the name of backend lambda function of intent-B
  • call that lambda function with all the inputs using boto3
  • response will be in 'Payload' key of response object
  • get the response using read() method
  • get actual output in ['dialogAction']['message']['content']
  • return using default close() method

import boto3

client = boto3.client('lambda')
data = {'messageVersion': '1.0', 'invocationSource': 'FulfillmentCodeHook', 'userId': '###', 
        'sessionAttributes': {}, 'requestAttributes': None, 
        'bot': {'name': '###', 'alias': '$LATEST', 'version': '$LATEST'}, 
        'outputDialogMode': 'Text', 
        'currentIntent': {'name': '###', 'slots': {'###': '###'}, 
        'slotDetails': {'###': {'resolutions': [], 'originalValue': '###'}}, 
        'confirmationStatus': 'None'}, 
        'inputTranscript': '###'}
response = client.invoke(
    FunctionName='{intent-B lambda function}',
output = json.loads(response['Payload'].read())['dialogAction']['message']['content']
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sid8491 Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 06:10


Yes it is possible .From the lambda of Intent-A , you can write the below code :

        var param1={
          callback(elicitSlot(outputSessionAttributes, 'Intent-B', intentRequest.currentIntent.slots, 'slot-B'));

Below is the function for elicitSlot

function elicitSlot(sessionAttributes, intentName, slots, slotToElicit, message) {    
return {
    dialogAction: {
        type: 'ElicitSlot',


like image 3
Joydip Kumar Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 04:10

Joydip Kumar