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How to call an Oracle function from Hibernate with a return parameter?

My question is very much like Getting the return value of a PL/SQL function via Hibernate

I have a function which does some modifications internally and it returns a value.

The original idea was to do something like this:

protected Integer checkXXX(Long id, Long transId)
        throws Exception {
    final String sql = "SELECT MYSCHEMA.MYFUNC(" + id + ", "
            + transId + ") FROM DUAL";
    final BigDecimal nr = (BigDecimal) this.getHibernateTemplate()
    return nr.intValue();

Unfortunately this doesn't work with Oracle. What is the recommended way to do something like this?

Is there a way to extract declared variables from within my statement?

like image 874
Mauli Avatar asked Nov 09 '09 19:11


People also ask

How do you call a function in hibernate?

You can call Hibernate's @NamedNativeQuery in the same way as you call any other named query. You only need to call the createNamedQuery of your EntityManager with the name of the query, set all bind parameter values and call the getSingleResult or getResultList method. TypedQuery<Review> q = em.

Can we use out parameter in function in Oracle?

A function can have OUT or IN OUT parameters, but this is bad coding practice. A function should have a return value and no out parameter. If you need more than one value from a function you should use a procedure.

How do you call a spring data function in JPA?

You can call your function via native query and get result from dual. Note that it won't work if your function is using DML statements. In this case you'll need to use @Modifying annotation over query, but then the function itself must return number due to @Modifying return type restrictions.

4 Answers

Hibernate Session provides a doWork() method that gives you direct access to java.sql.Connection. You can then create and use java.sql.CallableStatement to execute your function:

session.doWork(new Work() {
  public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
    CallableStatement call = connection.prepareCall("{ ? = call MYSCHEMA.MYFUNC(?,?) }");
    call.registerOutParameter( 1, Types.INTEGER ); // or whatever it is
    call.setLong(2, id);
    call.setLong(3, transId);
    int result = call.getInt(1); // propagate this back to enclosing class
like image 123
ChssPly76 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09


You have the following options:

  1. With a @NamedNativeQuery:

         name = "fn_my_func",
         query = "{ ? = call MYSCHEMA.MYFUNC(?, ?) }",
         callable = true,
         resultClass = Integer.class
     Integer result = (Integer) entityManager.createNamedQuery("fn_my_func")
         .setParameter(1, 1)
         .setParameter(2, 1)
  2. With JDBC API:

     Session session = entityManager.unwrap( Session.class );
     final AtomicReference<Integer> result = 
         new AtomicReference<>();
     session.doWork( connection -> {
         try (CallableStatement function = connection
                     "{ ? = call MYSCHEMA.MYFUNC(?, ?) }"
             ) {
             function.registerOutParameter( 1, Types.INTEGER );
             function.setInt( 2, 1 );
             function.setInt( 3, 1 );
             result.set( function.getInt( 1 ) );
     } );            
  3. With a native Oracle query:

     Integer result = (Integer) entityManager.createNativeQuery(
         "SELECT MYSCHEMA.MYFUNC(:postId, :transId) FROM DUAL")
         .setParameter("postId", 1)
         .setParameter("transId", 1)
like image 20
Vlad Mihalcea Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Vlad Mihalcea

Yes, you do need to use an out parameter. If you use the doWork() method, you'd do something like this:

session.doWork(new Work() {
   public void execute(Connection conn) {
      CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("? = call <some function name>(?)");
      stmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.INTEGER);
      stmt.setInt(2, <some value>);
      Integer outputValue = stmt.getInt(1);
      // And then you'd do something with this outputValue
like image 40
Ladlestein Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 14:09


Alternative code :)

if you want to direct result you can use below code

 int result = session.doReturningWork(new ReturningWork<Integer>() {
   public Integer  execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
    CallableStatement call = connection.prepareCall("{ ? = call MYSCHEMA.MYFUNC(?,?) }");
    call.registerOutParameter( 1, Types.INTEGER ); // or whatever it is
    call.setLong(2, id);
    call.setLong(3, transId);
    return call.getInt(1); // propagate this back to enclosing class


like image 27
Cihan BARAN Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09