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How to call an external program in python and retrieve the output and return code?

People also ask

What function is the suggested way to interact with external processes from Python?

The call, check_output and check_call functions As we said before, the run function is the recommended way to run an external process and should cover the majority of cases.

Look at the subprocess module: a simple example follows...

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

process = Popen(["ls", "-la", "."], stdout=PIPE)
(output, err) = process.communicate()
exit_code = process.wait()

Following Ambroz Bizjak's previous comment, here is a solution that worked for me:

import shlex
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

cmd = "..."
process = Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=PIPE)
exit_code = process.wait()

After some research, I have the following code which works very well for me. It basically prints both stdout and stderr in real time. Hope it helps someone else who needs it.

stdout_result = 1
stderr_result = 1

def stdout_thread(pipe):
    global stdout_result
    while True:
        out = pipe.stdout.read(1)
        stdout_result = pipe.poll()
        if out == '' and stdout_result is not None:

        if out != '':

def stderr_thread(pipe):
    global stderr_result
    while True:
        err = pipe.stderr.read(1)
        stderr_result = pipe.poll()
        if err == '' and stderr_result is not None:

        if err != '':

def exec_command(command, cwd=None):
    if cwd is not None:
        print '[' + ' '.join(command) + '] in ' + cwd
        print '[' + ' '.join(command) + ']'

    p = subprocess.Popen(
        command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd

    out_thread = threading.Thread(name='stdout_thread', target=stdout_thread, args=(p,))
    err_thread = threading.Thread(name='stderr_thread', target=stderr_thread, args=(p,))



    return stdout_result + stderr_result

Check out the subprocess module here: http://docs.python.org/library/subprocess.html#module-subprocess. It should get what you need done.

I've developed a little library (py-execute) that allows you to execute external programs, retrieve the output and the retcode and, at the same time get output in console in real time:

>>> from py_execute.process_executor import execute
>>> ret = execute('echo "Hello"')
>>> ret
(0, 'Hello\n')

You can avoid printing to console passing a mock user_io:

>>> from mock import Mock
>>> execute('echo "Hello"', ui=Mock())
(0, 'Hello\n')

I wrote it because with plain Popen (In Python 2.7) I was having trouble executing commands with a long output