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How to call a method overload based on closed generic type?




Suppose I have three methods:

void Foo(MemoryStream v) {Console.WriteLine ("MemoryStream");}
void Foo(Stream v)       {Console.WriteLine ("Stream");}
void Foo(object v)       {Console.WriteLine ("object");}

I call method Foo passing first parameter of open generic type:

void Bar<T>()
    Foo(default(T)); //just to show the scenario
    //default(T) or new T() doesn't make a difference, null is irrelevant here

I want to call MemoryStream overload, so I close generic type of method Bar with MemoryStream:


but the object overload is called. If I add generic constraint to Foo signature where T : Stream, then the Stream version is called.

Is there a way to dispatch method call to MemoryStream overload, based on open generic type T?

I don't want to use Delegate.CreateDelegate or other Reflection APIs. Just in the means of C# language. I'm probably missing something within the language itself.

Tried this scenario with value types as closed generic type and using static methods.

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Ilya Ivanov Avatar asked Oct 21 '13 10:10

Ilya Ivanov

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1 Answers

What you describe is called "template specialization" and doesn't work in C#. It is available in C++ but still hasn't made its way to C#.

This has already been answered in "C# generic interface specialization". The short version is that you can't do it. You can work around it forcing runtime resolution but in this case using generics makes no sense. Generics should be used to use the same code on different types.

Perhaps there is another way of doing what you really want. I've run in similar situations when implementing the Strategy or Template Method patterns, where I want most of the code to work in the general case but modify some specific steps.

In such cases it's better to inject the custom steps to your class as interfaces, or even Func<> objects that specialize the behavior, when you actually create the "Template Method".

Of course, there are a lot of other ways to do this, some of which work better than others for specific problems

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Panagiotis Kanavos Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09

Panagiotis Kanavos