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How to call a Grails service in a view?

Simple question : I have a service class (let's say helpersService) and a method def constructURI(params). How can I call this method from a template view.

I have tried the following code without success

<% def helpersService  = new HelpersService() // or def helpersService
<img src="${helpersService. constructURI(params)}"/>

But I get the following result:

No signature of method: com.HelpersService. constructURI() is applicable for argument types...

or (in case I use def helpersService)

Cannot invoke method constructURI() on null object 

Any ideas?

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fabien7474 Avatar asked Oct 22 '09 13:10


2 Answers

Services are not intended to be used inside views. You could create a TagLib where you can get a reference to the service via dependency injection.

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Siegfried Puchbauer Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09

Siegfried Puchbauer

An easier method, assuming your view is being rendered by a Controller, is to just pass a reference to the service from the action to the view within the model, i.e.:

class someController {
  def someService
  def someAction = {
    render(view: 'someView', model: ['someService': someService])

It can then be used as you would expect within the view. For a template rendered by a view, obviously you need to pass the reference to the template as well. Just to be clear though, S. Puchbauer is right; services are not really supposed to be used within Views, and you may experience difficult to diagnose problems, especially related to transactions and the Hibernate session.

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Chris King Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09

Chris King