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How to call a function in AngularJs when route matches?

$routeProvider.when('/ticket', {
    controller: TicketController, 
    templateUrl: Routing.generate('ticket_list')

displays a simple list where each entry is selectable. However on select no extra view is loaded. Every thing is in ticket_lost template. The template has some hidden fields that are revealed when entry is clicked.

I can define which entry is selected internally by setting

selectedTicket = 1;

So when there is a route like


I want to call a function that sets selectedTicket to 1. Is that possible? How to do that? What do I have to change in routing?

like image 234
UpCat Avatar asked May 05 '13 11:05


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Using reload() method: Angular route service reload() method is used when we want just the current route to be reloaded instead of making our entire application reloading or refreshing.

What is use of $routeProvider in AngularJS?

We use $routeProvider to configure the routes. The config() takes a function that takes the $routeProvider as a parameter and the routing configuration goes inside the function. The $routeProvider is a simple API that accepts either when() or otherwise() method. We need to install the ngRoute module.

Which function is used to set up a default route in AngularJS?

$routeProvider is used to configure the routes. We use the ngRoute config() to configure the $routeProvider. The config() takes a function which takes the $routeProvider as parameter and the routing configuration goes inside the function.

What is ngRoute AngularJS?

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1 Answers

Take a look at $routeParams service. It allows to set up route with parameters which will be parsed by service:

// Given:
// URL: http://server.com/index.html#/ticket/1
// Route: /ticket/:ticketId
// Then
$routeParams ==> {ticketId:1}

In your controller:

    .config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
        $routeProvider.when('/ticket', {controller: 'TicketController'});
        $routeProvider.when('/ticket/:ticketId', {controller: 'TicketController'});
        $routeProvider.otherwise({redirectTo: '/ticket'});
    .controller('TicketController', function ($scope, $routeParams) {
        var init = function () {
            if ($routeParams.ticketId) {

        // fire on controller loaded
like image 77
Dmitry Evseev Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09

Dmitry Evseev