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How to calculate time (minutes) between two dates in swift?






What do we got: Date+time (format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm a)

What are we looking for: Time difference in minutes

What operation: NewDate - OldDate

So, I wonder how I could accomplish above goal? I would like to format the date and time to US, regardless from which locale the user has. How can I do that?

Then I will save the 'oldTime' into UserDefaults, and use it for later calculation. The goal is to put the user on delay for 5 minutes and the calculations will be performed to determine if user should be on delay or not.

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iOS_Android_Flutter_PRO Avatar asked Jun 23 '19 00:06


People also ask

How do I get the time difference between two dates in Swift?

Date Difference Extension in Swift let formatter = DateFormatter() formatter. dateFormat = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm" let xmas = formatter. date(from: "2021/12/24 00:00") let newYear = formatter. date(from: "2022/01/01 00:00") print(newYear!

How can I get the difference between two dates in IOS?

Getting difference between two dates is easy. You should know how to play between the dates. We will be using DateFormatter class for formatting the dates. Instances of DateFormatter create string representations of NSDate objects, and convert textual representations of dates and times into NSDate objects.

How do you subtract dates in Swift?

To subtract hours from a date in swift we need to create a date first. Once that date is created we have to subtract hours from that, though swift does not provide a way to subtract date or time, but it provides us a way to add date or date component in negative value.

2 Answers

Just make a function that takes two dates and compares them like this.

import UIKit

func minutesBetweenDates(_ oldDate: Date, _ newDate: Date) -> CGFloat {

    //get both times sinces refrenced date and divide by 60 to get minutes
    let newDateMinutes = newDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate/60
    let oldDateMinutes = oldDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate/60

    //then return the difference
    return CGFloat(newDateMinutes - oldDateMinutes)


let myDateFormatter = DateFormatter()
myDateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"

//You'll need both dates to compare, you can get them by just storing a Date object when you first start the timer.
//Then when you need to check it, compare it to Date()
let oldDate: Date = myDateFormatter.date(from: String("2019-06-22 11:25"))

func validateRefresh() {

    //do the comparison between the old date and the now date like this.
    if minutesBetweenDates(oldDate, Date()) > 5 {
        //Do whatever

You can, of course, change the .dateFormat value on the date formatter to be whatever format you'd like. A great website for finding the right format is: https://nsdateformatter.com/.

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thecoolwinter Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 23:10


You say:

I would like to format the date and time to US, regardless from which locale the user has. How can I do that?

Specify a Locale of en_US_POSIX:

let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a"
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX")

The locale is not the only question.

  • There’s also a timezone question. For example, you're driving out of Chicago and go from Central to Eastern timezones; do you really want to consider that one hour has passed?

  • Do you really want to discard seconds? If you do that, the 59 seconds between going from 8:00:00pm to 8:00:59pm will be considered “zero minutes” but the one second between 8:00:59pm and 8:01:00pm will be considered “one minute”.

Frankly, if I wanted to save a locale and timezone invariant date string, I’d suggest using ISO8601DateFormatter.

Then I will save the 'oldTime' into UserDefaults, and use it for later calculation.

If that’s why you’re using this DateFormatter, I’d suggest saving the Date object directly.

UserDefaults.standard.set(oldTime, forKey: "oldTime")

And to retrieve it:

if let oldTime = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "oldTime") as? Date {

In terms of calculating the number of minutes between two Date objects

let minutes = Calendar.current
    .dateComponents([.minute], from: date1, to: date2)

If you want the number of seconds, you can also use timeIntervalSince:

let seconds = date2.timeIntervalSince(date1)

And if you wanted to show the amount of elapsed time as a nice localized string:

let intervalFormatter = DateComponentsFormatter()
intervalFormatter.allowedUnits = [.minute, .second]
intervalFormatter.unitsStyle = .full
let string = intervalFormatter.string(from: date1, to: date2)
like image 4
Rob Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10
