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How to calculate the number of times a route was travelled using SQL?



I need to determine how many times a certain route was travelled per vehicle on given a certain date range, but the GPS management software built on top of the database doesn't have this functionality.

The database contains several tables that store GPS, route, and location data. A route is made up of several locations and a sequence number. A location is a set of upper and lower bound latitudinal/longitudinal values attached to a name. A vehicle uploads its GPS location data several times a minute to the server, which updates the GPS table.

eg. A certain route "FOO" may consist of locations "Warehouse", "School", "Stadium" and "Park" in order. "BAR" is essentially the same route, but in reverse (locations may be found on several different routes).

A simple select returns this type of information from the GPS data table (vehicle id, location, datetime):

34  Warehouse  2011-03-26 18:17:50.000
34  Warehouse  2011-03-26 18:18:30.000
34  Warehouse  2011-03-26 18:19:05.000
34  School     2011-03-26 18:21:34.000
34  School     2011-03-26 18:21:59.000
34  School     2011-03-26 18:22:42.000
34  School     2011-03-26 18:23:55.000
34  Stadium    2011-03-26 18:24:20.000
34  Stadium    2011-03-26 18:24:47.000
34  Park       2011-03-26 18:25:30.000
34  Park       2011-03-26 18:26:50.000
34  Warehouse  2011-03-26 18:28:50.000


It's clear from manual inspection that vehicle 34 travelled route "FOO" at least once that day. How can I use SQL to determine the total number times that route was travelled on that day, per vehicle?

I get the feeling I'm going to have to use some sort of control-break structure but I'm hoping there's an easier way. This is the SQL used to retrieve the info from the GPS table.

FROM dbo.Routes r 
INNER JOIN dbo.RoutePoints rp 
        ON r.RouteId = rp.RouteId
INNER JOIN dbo.MapLocations ml
        ON rp.LocationId = ml.LocationId
INNER JOIN dbo.GPSData gps 
        ON ml.LowerRightLatitude  < gps.Latitude  AND ml.UpperLeftLatitude  > gps.Latitude
        AND ml.UpperLeftLongitude < gps.Longitude AND ml.LowerRightLongitude > gps.Longitude
INNER JOIN dbo.Vehicles v 
        ON gps.VehicleID = v.VehicleID 
WHERE   r.Desc = @routename
AND gps.Time BETWEEN @startTime AND @endTime
ORDER BY v.VehicleId, gps.Time

EDIT: Backtracking is not considered part of the same route. Warehouse, School, Stadium, Park, Warehouse, School, Stadium, Park. is only two trips on route FOO. If there's a deviation to a location that isn't part of a known route eg. Warehouse, School, Stadium, Pub, Park, then that location can be ignored. (ie. it will still be considered to be route "FOO")

like image 596
ilitirit Avatar asked Oct 11 '22 10:10


1 Answers

DECLARE @route
        route INT NOT NULL,
        step INT NOT NULL,
        destination INT NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (route, step)

INTO    @route
        (1, 1, 1),
        (1, 2, 2),
        (1, 3, 3),
        (1, 4, 4),
        (2, 1, 3),
        (2, 2, 4)

        vehicle INT NOT NULL,
        destination INT NOT NULL,

INTO    @gps
        (1, 1, '2011-03-30 00:00:00'),
        (1, 2, '2011-03-30 00:00:01'),
        (1, 1, '2011-03-30 00:00:02'),
        (1, 3, '2011-03-30 00:00:03'),
        (1, 3, '2011-03-30 00:00:04'),
        (1, 3, '2011-03-30 00:00:05'),
        (1, 4, '2011-03-30 00:00:06'),
        (1, 1, '2011-03-30 00:00:07'),
        (1, 3, '2011-03-30 00:00:08'),
        (1, 4, '2011-03-30 00:00:09'),
        (1, 1, '2011-03-30 00:00:10'),
        (1, 2, '2011-03-30 00:00:11'),
        (1, 2, '2011-03-30 00:00:12'),
        (1, 3, '2011-03-30 00:00:13'),
        (1, 3, '2011-03-30 00:00:14'),
        (1, 4, '2011-03-30 00:00:15'),
        (1, 3, '2011-03-30 00:00:16'),
        (1, 4, '2011-03-30 00:00:17')

WITH    iteration (vehicle, destination, ts, route, edge, step, cnt) AS
        SELECT  vehicle, destination, ts, route, 1, step, cnt
        FROM    (
                SELECT  g.vehicle, r.destination, ts, route, step, cnt,
                        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY route, vehicle ORDER BY ts) rn
                FROM    (
                        SELECT  *, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY route) cnt
                        FROM    @route
                        ) r
                JOIN    @gps g
                ON      g.destination = r.destination
                WHERE   r.step = 1
                ) q
        WHERE   rn = 1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  vehicle, destination, ts, route, edge, step, cnt
        FROM    (
                SELECT  i.vehicle, r.destination, g.ts, i.route, edge + 1 AS edge, r.step, cnt,
                        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY i.route, g.vehicle ORDER BY g.ts) rn
                FROM    iteration i
                JOIN    @route r
                ON      r.route = i.route
                        AND r.step = (i.step % cnt) + 1
                JOIN    @gps g
                ON      g.vehicle = i.vehicle
                        AND g.destination = r.destination
                        AND g.ts > i.ts
                ) q
        WHERE   rn = 1
SELECT  route, vehicle, MAX(edge / cnt)
FROM    iteration
        route, vehicle

Here we have two routes: (1, 2, 3, 4) and (3, 4)

The vehicle made 2 trips on route (1, 2, 3, 4) and 4 trips on route (3, 4).

It is important that each route has the steps numbered starting from 1 and without gaps (though if it's not the case, you can easily work around it using an additional CTE with ROW_NUMBER())

like image 200
Quassnoi Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10
