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How to calculate height of viewable area (i.e., window height minus address & bookmark bars) in mobile Safari for web app?


What is the right way to calculate how much viewable space is available on mobile Safari? By viewing area, we mean the amount of the screen actually available to a web app, that is the window height minus the address and bookmark bars.

iOS 7 prevents hiding of the address bar, and we need to properly account for the viewport height.

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Crashalot Avatar asked Sep 26 '13 22:09


People also ask

How do you find the height of a viewport?

You can use the window. innerHeight property to get the viewport height, and the window. innerWidth to get its width. let viewportHeight = window.

How do I make my window visible height?

$(window). height() gives you the height of the view pane. $(window). height() works better as it's cross-browser.

1 Answers

window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight will give the width and height of the viewport.

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neilco Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11
