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How to build parallax scroll on an iOS device

Today I saw the most amazing ipad app that I was assured was written using html5, css3 and javascript... the best part of the app was they had perfectly created a parallax scroll... My question is... how?... I can not find any documentation on it being possible to create a parallax scroll on iOS devises... if someone could give me a link or any advise on how to do this that would be most appreciated... anyone?... kind regards J

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jon Avatar asked Mar 06 '12 22:03


People also ask

Does parallax scrolling work on mobile?

Parallax scrolling works relatively pain free in Android devices, albeit a little choppy as Android stutters to a certain degree the execution of code defined inside any onscroll event to conserve battery life. In iOS devices like on a iPad or iPhone, this conservation effort is taken to new heights.

What is parallax effect iPhone?

Parallax effect where your wallpaper, apps, and alerts that move or shift slightly as you tilt your device are disabled. Animation and effects in certain apps are disabled.

Does parallax work on Safari?

The parallax effect is deliberately disabled on Safari to avoid a browser limitation.

1 Answers

We recently released a site which does parallax scrolling on iPad. There is a bit of an explanation, and a video of it in use here: http://www.aerian.com/portfolio/one-potato/one-potato-html5-website

and the site itself if you have an iPad to play with:

  • http://one-potato.co.uk

To do this, we have written some JavaScript library code which we are looking to open-source in the near future.

The basic idea is to write a scroll container that accepts touch input and tracks your x and y positions (if you need two dimensions) of your content. To make this parallax-able, we found the best way is to use delegation to a controller of sorts. I can't remember the exact syntax we used without looking

container.on('touchmove', function(e) {
    //get our offset
    var offset = <some value>; //e.g. { x : 0, y : -1300 }
    var easing = 'ease-out';

    self.delegate.scrollViewDidScrollToOffsetWithAnimation(self, offset, easing);

Then in the Controller, something like this:

var scrollView = new ScrollView($('#container'));

var controller = {
    scrollViewDidScrollToOffsetWithAnimation : function(scrollView, offset, easing) {
        //here you need to respond to offset, by changing some css properties of your parallax elements:
        parallaxElement.css('transform', 'translate(-offset.x, -offset.y * 0.8)');
        anotherParallaxElement.css('transform', 'translate(-offset.x, -offset.y * 0.1)');


This delegate pattern is heavily influenced by UIKit as I feel it provides a cleaner way of informing disparate parts of a system of another's events. I find using too much event dispatching becomes hard to maintain, but that's anther story altogether.

Hope this helps a bit.

like image 197
Tom Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 22:09
