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How to build and save Parent and Child records when required = true?

Given the following models

class Parent
  has_many :children
class Child
  belongs_to :parent, required: true

Is it possible to create Parent and Children at the same time?

@parent = Parent.new(valid_attributes)
#=> {:"children.parent"=>["must exist"]}

Removing the required: true allows the record to save. But is there a way to enable parents and children to be saved together while still validating parent exists?

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Andy Harvey Avatar asked Dec 05 '16 02:12

Andy Harvey

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1 Answers

You can use accepts_nested_attributes_for, Enabling nested attributes on association allows you to create the parent and child in one go.

Model parent.rb

class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :children

  #enable nested attributes
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :children

Model child.rb

class Child < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :parent

Build and save your object parents_controller.rb

class ParentsController < ApplicationController

   def new
     @parent = Parent.new

     respond_to do |format|
       format.html # new.html.erb
       format.json { render json: @parent }

   def create
      #your params should look like.
      params = { 
        parent: {
          name: 'dummy parent', 
          children_attributes: [
            { title: 'dummy child 1' },
            { title: 'dummy child 2' }

      #You can save your object at once.
      @parent = Parent.create(params[:parent])

      #Or you can set object attributes manually and then save it.
      @parent.name = params[:parent][:name]
      @parent.children_attributes = params[:parent][:children_attributes]


For more info: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/NestedAttributes/ClassMethods.html

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Satendra Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 03:10
