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How to build and run Maven projects after importing into Eclipse IDE

I am learning building a Java project in Eclipse using Maven. I created a Java project HelloWorld from
“maven-archetype-quickstart” template in a folder D:/maven_projects. Then to convert the Maven project to support Eclipse IDE, I navigated into the project folder and issued the commands:
mvn eclipse:eclipse and mvn package .

Then I imported the project in Eclipse and did the necessary Eclipse configurations like setting the Maven local repository in Eclipse classpath. Now the project in D:/EclipseWorkspace folder. I ran the project successfully in Eclipse printing "helloworld".

Now if I want to go on develop the project and for that reason want to add new dependencies in pom.xml in Eclipse, then the new jars are not added in classpath when I run the project.

So my question is after importing a Maven project into Eclipse how can I add more and more dependencies in pom.xml, then build and run the project? What is the recommended and efficient way to do this?

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mukund Avatar asked Feb 15 '13 13:02


People also ask

How do I compile and run a Maven project in Eclipse?

Building and Running the Maven Project in Eclipse To run the maven project, select it and go to “Run As > Java Application”. In the next window, select the main class to execute. In this case, select the App class and click on the Ok button. You will see the “Hello World” output in the Console window.

How does Eclipse build Maven project?

Create a new Maven project in Eclipse. From the File menu, choose New, and then choose Project. In the New Project window, choose Maven Project. In the New Maven Project window, choose Create a simple project, and leave other default selections.

1 Answers

I would recommend you don't use the m2eclipse command line tools (i.e. mvn eclipse:eclipse) and instead use the built-in Maven support, known as m2e.

Delete your project from Eclipse, then run mvn eclipse:clean on your project to remove the m2eclipse project data. Finally, with a modern version of Eclipse, just do "Import > Maven > Existing project into workspace..." and select your pom.xml.

M2e will automatically manage your dependencies and download them as required. It also supports Maven builds through a new "Run as Maven build..." interface. It's rather nifty.

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Duncan Jones Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Duncan Jones