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How to build a templated link?

I have a method with a request parameter and I'm trying to link to this method from another resource. I want the link to be something like this:


I tried the following without success:

//First attempt
//Second attempt
//Third attempt
like image 965
jose_p Avatar asked Mar 23 '15 19:03


2 Answers

It does work now, you can check the following issue which has been resolved now - https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-hateoas/issues/169.

As you have mentioned above in your first attempt - resources.add(linkTo(methodOn(Controller.class).method(null)).withRel("rel")
should work.

like image 135
manjunath shetkar Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10

manjunath shetkar

This isn't currently a part of spring-hateoas, see this open bug report, which suggests adding this functionality to ControllerLinkBuilder and this previous question which has an answer with a custom implementation for doing this.

like image 37
beerbajay Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10
