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How to browse local Java App Engine datastore?

It seems there is no equivalent of Python App Engine's _ah/admin for the Java implementation of Google App Engine.

Is there a manual way I can browse the datastore? Where are the files to be found on my machine? (I am using the App Engine plugin with Eclipse on OS X).

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Jim Blackler Avatar asked Jul 09 '09 08:07

Jim Blackler

People also ask

What is Java Datastore?

Datastore is a NoSQL database that lets us store and load data using Java code.

1 Answers

http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2009/07/google-app-engine-for-java-sdk-122.html: "At long last, the dev appserver has a data viewer. Start your app locally and point your browser to http://localhost:8888/_ah/admin http://localhost:8000/datastore* to check it out."

* as of 1.7.7

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4 revs, 3 users 40%unknown Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

4 revs, 3 users 40%unknown