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How to break CSS inheritance?



I have created a web widget. That my client put in their websites. Basically on load it calls webservice and loads data specific to client.

As a result it looks like:

<div class="widget">
   <div class="container">

Dynamically I apply CSS styles to my widget class. To look consistent with our corporate styling.

The problem is when client application styles overwrite the style I applied run time.

For example if client has, it overwrites my styles:

body {
  margin: 0 auto;
  padding: 0;
  width: 90%;
  font: 70%/1.4 Verdana, Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman";

Is there any way to break inheritance? Just to say whatever div with class widget styles has do not inherit parent styles.

like image 430
German Avatar asked Aug 07 '12 16:08


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1 Answers

I don't think you can break CSS inheritance per se, but you can try to circumvent it by following the rules of CSS specificity. Here's a good article about Specificity.

As a last resort, try adding !important to styles in the widget to give it a higher specificity than the default styles.

    font: 100%/1 "Times New Roman", Serif !important;

If the client is also using !important it could cause problems. If you could setup a jsFiddle with an example, we could help find the issue.

Note, going the route of adding !important should be a last resort as it's the 'nuclear option' of style specificity.

like image 135
jmbertucci Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 06:10
