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How to bind the 'toggle' event to a element

Is there a way I can use the 'bind' syntax for the 'toggle' event handler ?

From the docs I can understand that the correct way is

$('.selector').toggle( function() {}, function() {} );

My problem is that I am removing that element for some reason, and then again add it to the DOM. On adding it again, the toggle does not work.

Thus, I think there should be a way to 'bind' the toggle.

Help please.

This is documentation I am following: http://jqapi.com/#p=toggle

like image 705
Hrishikesh Choudhari Avatar asked Oct 04 '10 11:10

Hrishikesh Choudhari

2 Answers

You must use either .live() or .delegate() to add handlers to all now and future elements.

The problem is that .toggle() binds click, and in complicated cases, like using .live() or .delegate() you have to make your own. From the jQuery Docs:

The .toggle() method is provided for convenience. It is relatively straightforward to implement the same behavior by hand, and this can be necessary if the assumptions built into .toggle() prove limiting.

Roll your own toggle (this can be easily extended to N toggled functions using mod N instead of mod 2 - but then you have to use a switch instead of the JS conditional operator):

var counter = 1;
$('.selector').live("click", function() {
    counter++ % 2 ? 
        // First set of actions :
        // Second set of actions;            

If you want to include 2 functions, then they must be self executing. This would be good for passing arguments in... so the form would be:

var counter = 1;
$('.selector').live("click", function() {
    counter++ % 2 ? 
        (function() { ... }()) :                            // <== First function
        (function() { ... }());                            // <== Second function

A simple example (no arguments used):

(function() {
    var counter = 1;
    $('.selector').live("click", function() {
        counter++ % 2 ? 
            $("div").html("First one!") :
            $("div").html("Numero dos!");

    $(function() {
        $("body").prepend('<input type="button" ' + 
                          'class="selector" value=" Click Me! " />');

try it out on jsFiddle

A more complex example (arguments used):

(function() {
    var counter = 1;
    $('.selector').live("click", function() {
        // Note that the self executing functions are only
        // necessary if you want to use arguments.
        counter++ % 2 ? 
            (function() {
                $("div").html("First one! Num: " + ($(event.target).index() + 1))
            }(event)) :
            (function() {
                $("div").html("Numero dos! Num: " + ($(event.target).index()+1))
    $(function() {
        $elie = $('<input type="button" class="selector" value="Click Me!" />');

try it out on jsFiddle

like image 180
Peter Ajtai Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11

Peter Ajtai

My problem is that I am removing that element for some reason, and then again add it to the DOM. On adding it again, the toggle does not work.

I think, it depends on how exactly you remove element. If you use remove function, all events and jquery data will be removed from element too. And it's opposite with detach function, making it ideal for removing elements you plan to insert back in the document later.

like image 45
Nikita Rybak Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Nikita Rybak