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How to bind buttons in Qt Quick to Python PyQt 5

How can bind the buttons I create in a .qml script to python PyQt5 code?

example: python:

import sys
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QUrl, Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
from PyQt5.QtQml import QQmlApplicationEngine

if __name__ == "__main__":
  app = QApplication(sys.argv)
  engine = QQmlApplicationEngine()
  ctx = engine.rootContext()
  ctx.setContextProperty("main", engine)


  win = engine.rootObjects()[0]


import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1

ApplicationWindow {
 title: qsTr("Test Invoke")

 width: 200
 height: 100

  y : 70
  text : "About"
  onClicked: {


How can I do something with Python when the button is clicked? Also: Does anyone has a good resource of examples or doc. about pyqt + qml (qt quick)?

like image 270
Daivid Avatar asked Jun 08 '14 22:06


People also ask

What is the difference between PyQt5 and PySide2?

The key difference in the two versions — in fact the entire reason PySide2 exists — is licensing. PyQt5 is available under a GPL or commercial license, and PySide2 under a LGPL license.

Does PyQt require Qt?

You can purchase the commercial version of PyQt here. More information about licensing can be found in the License FAQ. PyQt does not include a copy of Qt. You must obtain a correctly licensed copy of Qt yourself.

What is qt5 in Python?

PyQt5 is cross-platform GUI toolkit, a set of python bindings for Qt v5. One can develop an interactive desktop application with so much ease because of the tools and simplicity provided by this library. A GUI application consists of Front-end and Back-end.

2 Answers

If you name the button, you can connect to its onClick signal, or to a custom signal that it emits in onClicked. Example:

ApplicationWindow {
 title: qsTr("Test Invoke")
 width: 200
 height: 100

 Button {
  signal messageRequired
  objectName: "myButton"
  y : 70
  text : "About"
  onClicked: messageRequired()


Note the signal in Button and the objectName property. Then the Python code just before exec could be for example:

def myFunction():
    print 'handler called'

button = win.findChild(QObject, "myButton")
button.clicked.connect(myFunction) # works too

Note that in the Button above, onClicked just emits the messageRequired signal, so it is better to drop the custom signal and connect to clicked directly. Both onClicked() and any slots connected to clicked will get called when you click button.

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Oliver Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 05:10


There is another solution which uses a Python model (QObject) in QML.


engine = QQmlApplicationEngine()

class Greeter(QObject):
    def sayHello(self, name):
        print("Hello, " + name)

ctx = engine.rootContext()
ctx.setContextProperty("greeter", Greeter())


Button {
    onClicked: {


  1. https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_for_Python/Connecting_QML_Signals
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bitdancer Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 04:10
