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How to begin with augmented reality? [closed]

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What are the 3 elements of augmented reality?

AR incorporates three features: a combination of digital and physical worlds, interactions made in real time, and accurate 3D identification of virtual and real objects.

How close are we to augmented reality?

So, how close are we to mass adoption? In Jabil's Augmented and Virtual Reality Technology Trends Survey, technology and business stakeholders indicated that consumer use of AR/VR will see adoption first. Most importantly, almost 70% of respondents believe AR/VR will become mainstream within five years.

Is it hard to learn augmented reality?

Building good AR & VR applications is incredibly difficult right now, though not because the development is hard. Game engines like Unity are surprisingly good for making AR & VR applications and they're relatively easy for developers to learn.

Being a quite popular buzz word, augmented reality can be build with some distinct algorithms which can be learnt separately. Usually it covers:

  • planar object detection (can be a marker or previously trained object). SURF/SIFT/FAST descriptors, RANSAC for homography matrix calculation
  • store trained objects in DB (KD-trees)
  • camera position estimation
  • augmenting 3D model with custom objects (OpenGL)

To dive into this subject I would recommend this steps:

  • All of this is already implemented in OpevCV, you can start playing with its examples.
  • To understand what's happening under the hood, take probably the best book on this topic: "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision" http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/hzbook/ .
  • If you are going to play with AR on mobile phones take a look on works of scientific labs like http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/~sjt59/hips.html (FAST) and http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~gk/PTAM/ (PTAM).

If you're comfortable with Objective-C, downloading and playing with ARKit would be great place to start. It's based on magnetometer/accelerometer readings rather than pattern recognition.

If pattern recognition is what you're interested in, then start with artoolkit instead. But that library is a bit more intense, naturally.

Take a look at this augmented reality framework comparison table to select a suitable AR framework for your work.

qualcomm's vuforia AR api is a great place to start since it is free and it has all the AR features we can think of.

And also this book gave me a huge help to start building AR apps. Developing AR Games for iOS and Android by Dominic Cushnan, Hassan EL Habbak

Ben Newhouse, the man behind Yelp's augmented reality Monocle feature, gave a talk at Stanford about the process he went through when making it. It is available for free on iTunes U, at this location: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/iphone-application-development-winter-2010/id384233225

(The link won't work in Chrome, but it does in Safari. If it doesn't work, just search "Yelp Monocle" in iTune's search box, and download the iTunes U lecture.)

The lecture is about programming for the iPhone, but most of it is translatable to other areas. It is packed with valuable information, and has proved extremely useful for me in seeing all the components of what i want to make.