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How to avoid too many joins?

I would like your help to discuss how would I avoid too many joins using a generic approach. Is there a general rule for this?

Currently, I have a very complex query that is joining 11 tables and the performance is very poor (even with indexes and updated statistics). Using the Entity Framework Profiler, I've received the suggestion to reduce the number of joins and, instead, perform several separate queries: link.

Each join requires the database to perform additional work, and the complexity and cost of the query grows rapidly with each additional join. While relational database are optimized for handling joins, it is often more efficient to perform several separate queries instead of a single query with several joins in it.

How should I modify the following example to achieve a better performance?

select  *
from   Blogs blog0_
       inner join Posts posts1_
         on blog0_.Id = posts1_.BlogId
       inner join Comments comments2_
         on posts1_.Id = comments2_.PostId
       inner join Users user3_
         on posts1_.UserId = user3_.Id
       inner join UsersBlogs users4_
         on blog0_.Id = users4_.BlogId
       inner join Users user5_
         on users4_.UserId = user5_.Id
like image 974
Ricardo Avatar asked Sep 24 '14 02:09


People also ask

How do you reduce joins?

As discussed earlier, the reduce side join is a process where the join operation is performed in the reducer phase. Basically, the reduce side join takes place in the following manner: Mapper reads the input data which are to be combined based on common column or join key.

Should I avoid joins?

Joins are slow, avoid them if possible. You cannot avoid joins in all cases, joins are necessary for some tasks. If you want help with some query optimizing, please provide more details. Everything matters: query, data, indexes, plan, etc.

Do joins slow down query?

Joins: If your query joins two tables in a way that substantially increases the row count of the result set, your query is likely to be slow. There's an example of this in the subqueries lesson. Aggregations: Combining multiple rows to produce a result requires more computation than simply retrieving those rows.

1 Answers

There are few ways to minimize(optimize) number of table joins:-

  • Ensure what you want and which tables required.
  • Also make sure tables are in normalized form.

Encapsulate few joins by using:-

  • Using CTE
  • Using Temp Tables
  • Views

You can find the details about CTE and Temp tables from links Common Table Expression, View. For temporary table just add "#" before table name and insert desired data from joins and later use it but in same session.

like image 118
Mr. K Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10

Mr. K