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How to avoid sending multiple duplicate AJAX requests in axios

Is it possible to automatically throttle all requests going to a particular list of endpoints using axios? Perhaps using axios interceptor?

Currently I throttle the user action that sends the axios request, but the problem with that is that I have to write this everywhere I have a user action that results in some AJAX request. Like this

  const throttledDismissNotification = throttle(dismissNotification, 1000)

  const dismiss = (event: any) => {

  render() {
    return (
      <Button onClick={dismiss}>Dismiss Notification</Button>

This results in a lot of clutter and I was wondering if this could be automated.

Something like:

if(request.url in listOfEndpointsToThrottle && request.params in cacheOfPreviousRequestsToThisEndpoint) {

Obviously this is pseudocode but you get the idea.

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ManavM Avatar asked Apr 26 '19 13:04


4 Answers

It's quite easy to throttle an axios request itself. The real headache is how to handle the promises that are returned from nullified requests. What is considered sane behavior when dealing with promises that are returned from a nullified axios request? Should they stay pending forever?

I don't see any perfect solution to this problem. But then I come to a solution that is kind of cheating:

What if we don't throttle the axios call, instead we throttle the actual XMLHttpRequest?

This makes things way easier, because it avoids the promise problem, and it's easier to implement. The idea is to implement a cache for recent requests, and if a new request matches a recent one, you just pull the result from cache and skip the XMLHttpRequest.

Because of the way axios interceptors work, the following snippet can be used to skip a certain XHR call conditionally:

// This should be the *last* request interceptor to add
axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {
  /* check the cache, if hit, then intentionally throw
   * this will cause the XHR call to be skipped
   * but the error is still handled by response interceptor
   * we can then recover from error to the cached response
  if (requestCache.isCached(config)) {
    const skipXHRError = new Error('skip')
    skipXHRError.isSkipXHR = true
    skipXHRError.request = config
    throw skipXHRError
  } else {
    /* if not cached yet
     * check if request should be throttled
     * then open up the cache to wait for a response
    if (requestCache.shouldThrottle(config)) {
    return config;

// This should be the *first* response interceptor to add
axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
  requestCache.setCachedResponse(response.config, response)
  return response;
}, function (error) {
  /* recover from error back to normality
   * but this time we use an cached response result
  if (error.isSkipXHR) {
    return requestCache.getCachedResponse(error.request)
  return Promise.reject(error);
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hackape Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 21:11


Perhaps you could try to use the Cancellation feature that axios provides.

With it, you can ensure that you don't have any two (or more, depending on your implementation) similar requests in a pending state.

Below, you will find a small simplified example of how to ensure that only the latest request is processed. You can adjust it a bit to make it function like a pool of requests

    import axios, { CancelToken } from 'axios';

    const pendingRequests = {};

    const makeCancellable = (headers, requestId) => {
      if (!requestId) {
        return headers;

      if (pendingRequests[requestId]) {
        // cancel an existing request
      const source = CancelToken.source();
      const newHeaders = {
        cancelToken: source.token
      pendingRequests[requestId] = source;
      return newHeaders;

    const request = ({
      method = 'GET',
    }) => {
      const requestConfig = {
        headers: makeCancellable(headers || {}, id)

      return axios.request(requestConfig)
        .then((res) => {
          delete pendingRequests[id];
          return ({ data: res.data });
        .catch((error) => {
          delete pendingRequests[id];
          if (axios.isCancel(error)) {
             console.log(`A request to url ${url} was cancelled`); // cancelled
          } else {
             return handleReject(error);

    export default request;
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dspring Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 20:11


I have a similar problem, thru my research it seems to lack a good solution. All I saw were some ad hoc solutions so I open an issue for axios, hoping someone can answer my question https://github.com/axios/axios/issues/2118

I also find this article Throttling Axios requests but I did not try the solution he suggested.

And I have a discussion related to this My implementation of debounce axios request left the promise in pending state forever, is there a better way?

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Qiulang 邱朗 Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 19:11

Qiulang 邱朗

I finish one, @hackape thank you for you answer, the code is as follows:

const pendings = {}
const caches = {}
const cacheUtils = {
   getUniqueUrl: function (config) {

     // you can set the rule based on your own requirement
     return config.url + '&' + config.method
   isCached: function (config) {
     let uniqueUrl = this.getUniqueUrl(config)
     return caches[uniqueUrl] !== undefined
   isPending: function (config) {
     let uniqueUrl = this.getUniqueUrl(config)
     if (!pendings[uniqueUrl]) {
       pendings[uniqueUrl] = [config]
       return false
     } else {
       console.log(`cache url: ${uniqueUrl}`)
       return true
   setCachedResponse: function (config, response) {
     let uniqueUrl = this.getUniqueUrl(config)
     caches[uniqueUrl] = response
     if (pendings[uniqueUrl]) {
       pendings[uniqueUrl].forEach(configItem => {
         configItem.isFinished = true
   getError: function(config) {
     const skipXHRError = new Error('skip')
     skipXHRError.isSkipXHR = true
     skipXHRError.requestConfig = config
     return skipXHRError
   getCachedResponse: function (config) {
     let uniqueUrl = this.getUniqueUrl(config)
     return caches[uniqueUrl]
 // This should be the *last* request interceptor to add
 axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {

    // to avoid careless bug, only the request that explicitly declares *canCache* parameter can use cache
   if (config.canCache) {

     if (cacheUtils.isCached(config)) {
       let error = cacheUtils.getError(config)
       throw error
     if (cacheUtils.isPending(config)) {
       return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
         let interval = setInterval(() => {
           if(config.isFinished) {
             let error = cacheUtils.getError(config)
         }, 200)
     } else {

       // the head of cacheable requests queue, get the response by http request 
       return config
   } else {
     return config
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Jamter Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 19:11
