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How to avoid "deep recursion" error/warning in Type::Tiny::_build_coercion

I have inherited the following code which was written and works against Type-Tiny-1.004004:

package Company::Types;

use Type::Library -base, -declare => qw< TruncatedString >;
use Type::Utils -all;

declare TruncatedString, as Str,
    where { length $_ },
    inline_as {
        my ($constraint, $varname) = @_;
        return sprintf ( '!defined %s or %s',
    constraint_generator => sub {
        my ($max) = @_;
        die q{Max length must be positive!} unless int($max) > 0;
        return sub { 
            (length $_) <= $max;
    inline_generator => sub {
        my ($max) = @_;
        return sub { 
            my ($constraint, $varname) = @_;

            return sprintf(
                '%s and length %s <= %d', 
    coercion_generator => sub {
        my ($base, $derived, $max) = @_;
        # $base - TruncatedString
        # $derived - TruncatedString[<N>]
        # $max - N
        # Not sure if I should be adding the coercion to $base or $derived, but I suspect that 
        # $derived is the correct choice here.
            sub {
                return substr $_, 0, $max;

However it does not work against Type-Tiny-1.012000. I have written the following test to illustrate the problem:

use Test2::V0;
use Time::Out qw< timeout >;
use Company::Types qw< TruncatedString >;

subtest 'Coercing to TruncatedString->of(10)' => sub {
    timeout 2 => sub {                      # test hangs without timeout
        my $type = TruncatedString->of(10); # same as TruncatedString[10]
        ok( try_ok { $type->coerce('123456789012') }, 'should not throw an exception' );
    } || bail_out( 'Ran out of time: ' . $@ );


This outputs the following:

# Seeded srand with seed '20201120' from local date.
Deep recursion on subroutine "Type::Tiny::_build_coercion" at ${SRC}/company-types/.direnv/perl5/lib/perl5/Type/Tiny.pm line 399.
Deep recursion on anonymous subroutine at ${SRC}/company-types/.direnv/perl5/lib/perl5/Type/Tiny.pm line 467.
Deep recursion on anonymous subroutine at ${SRC}/company-types/.direnv/perl5/lib/perl5/Type/Tiny.pm line 1015.
not ok 1 - Coercing to TruncatedString->of(10) {
    not ok 1
    # Failed test at t/truncated-string.t line 8.
    # Exception: CODE(0x7fee0fb78998)
    not ok 2 - should not throw an exception
    # Failed test 'should not throw an exception'
    # at t/truncated-string.t line 8.

# Failed test 'Coercing to TruncatedString->of(10)'
# at t/truncated-string.t line 10.
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/1 subtests 

Test Summary Report
t/truncated-string.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  1
  Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=1, Tests=1,  4 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.01 sys +  3.43 cusr  0.38 csys =  3.84 CPU)
Result: FAIL

I have narrowed the problem to coercion_generator (if I comment it out I lose this error) and have noted this in the docs:

The following attributes are used for parameterized coercions, but are not fully documented because they may change in the near future:

I presume this has since changed and was hoping for some help as to how to update my existing code to catch up?

like image 778
j1n3l0 Avatar asked Nov 20 '20 19:11


1 Answers

Not sure if I should be adding the coercion to $base or $derived

Neither. You should be returning it.

coercion_generator => sub {
    my ($base, $derived, $max) = @_;
    return Type::Coercion->new(
        type_coercion_map => [ Str, sub { substr $_, 0, $max } ]

See Parameterizable Types in Type::Tiny::Manual::Libraries — it gives a pretty good explanation and example of how to do parameterized types with inlining and coercion.

I've checked the above works in the current Type::Tiny release, and even versions as old as 0.006 (released May 2013)! How you're doing it in your original code has never been the intended use of coercion_generator and I'm kind of surprised it has ever worked.

Also, if you're interested why you're getting a warning about deep coercion, it's caused by the fact that $type->coercion acts much like a lazy attribute in Moo/Moose, and it calls your coderef, but your coderef called $type->coercion.

like image 185
tobyink Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10
