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how to automatically update a slot of S4 class in R




I was playing around with S4 objects in R and was wondering about the following:

Let's assume the following simplified example: We have two S4 classe within R, one called Customer and another Order. We define them with the following slots:

Customer <- setClass(Class = "Customer",slots = c(CustomerID = "numeric", Name = "character", OrderHistory = "data.frame"),
                     prototype = list(CustomerID = 0,Name = "",OderHistory = data.frame()))

Order <- setClass(Class = "Order",slots = c(CustomerID = "numeric", Description = "character",
                                               Cost = "numeric"), 
                     prototype = list(CustomerID = 0,Description = "",Cost = 0))

# constructor

Customer <- function(CustomerID, Name, OrderHistory=data.frame()){
  #drop sanity checks
  new("Customer",CustomerID = CustomerID, Name = Name, OrderHistory = OrderHistory)

Order <- function(CustomerID, Description = "",Cost = 0){
  #drop sanity checks
  new("Order",CustomerID = CustomerID, Description = "", Cost = 0)

#create two objects

firstCustomer <- Customer(1,"test")

firstOrder <- Order(1,"new iPhone", 145)

Obviously, firstCustomer and firstOrder are linked via the CustomerID. Is it possible to automatically update the OrderHistory slot of Customer once a new Order instance is created? Assuming that OrderHistory has two columns, "Description" and "Cost", how can I automatically update a new order instance? Is there a elegant / general way to do it? Most likely, the class Order needs a slot of type "Customer". Many thanks in advance

like image 650
math Avatar asked Apr 21 '15 18:04


People also ask

How do you create S4 objects How can you check an object is S4 object?

We can check if an object is an S4 object through the function isS4() . The function setClass() returns a generator function. This generator function (usually having same name as the class) can be used to create new objects. It acts as a constructor.

What is an S4 object in R?

The S4 system in R is a system for object oriented programing. Confusingly, R has support for at least 3 different systems for object oriented programming: S3, S4 and S5 (also known as reference classes).

How are S4 classes better than S3 classes?

More specifically, S4 has setter and getter functions for methods and generics. As compared to the S3 class, S4 can be able to facilitate multiple dispatches. Let us see the above-discussed classes of R by creating them and discuss with an example. An S4 class is defined using the set class function.

What is S3 and S4 in R?

The S3 and S4 software in R are two generations implementing functional object-oriented programming. S3 is the original, simpler for initial programming but less general, less formal and less open to validation. The S4 formal methods and classes provide these features but require more programming.

1 Answers

You can't link across two independent objects, so you need methods that use both. Here is an example with a replacement method:

Customer <- setClass(
  prototype=list(OrderHistory = list())
Order <- setClass(
  slot =c(
    Description="character", Cost="numeric"
) )

  function(object, value, ...) StandardGeneric("add<-")
setMethod("add<-", c("Customer", "Order"), 
  function(object, value) {
    object@OrderHistory <- append(object@OrderHistory, value)
setMethod("show", "Customer", 
  function(object) {
    cat("** Customer #", object@CustomerID, ": ", object@Name, "\n\n", sep="")
    for(i in object@OrderHistory) cat("\t", i@Description, "\t", i@Cost, "\n", sep="")

firstCustomer <- new("Customer", CustomerID=1, Name="test")
add(firstCustomer) <- new("Order", Description="new iPhone", Cost=145)
add(firstCustomer) <- new("Order", Description="macbook", Cost=999)



** Customer #1: test

  new iPhone  145
  macbook 999
like image 84
BrodieG Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 15:10
