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How to async this long running method?

I have this method which I would like to run asynchronously so that I can do other things while it runs. It does not rely on any other Async method (it doesn't call out to another resource, download a file or anything). I would like to avoid using new Task(), Task.Factory.StartTask() and Task.Run(), if possible.

Is it possible to run this method asynchronously, with tidy, readable code and without using Task explicitly?

If not, what is the tidiest way of running the method asynchronously?

Note: Please don't be concerned with the silly logic in the method - I have boiled it down to be deliberately slow but not show my actual code.

public static void main(string[] args)

private void RunMySlowLogic()
  while (true)
    for (int i=0; i<100000000;i++)
      if (i == new Random().Next(999))
        return true;

Currently, I believe that I would need to wrap the method in a lambda or Task and mark it async. Where would the await go?

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Matt W Avatar asked Sep 16 '15 20:09

Matt W

1 Answers

You're confusing two different things. You can run this in the background, and this method can be asynchronous. These are 2 different things and your method can do either, or both.

If you do something asynchronous in that method, like Task.Delay or some non-blocking I/O then call that method, await the returned task and make the method itself async:

async Task RunMySlowLogicAsync()
    while (true)
        // ...
        await Task.Delay(1000);

If you don't have such a thing then your method isn't asynchronous, it's synchronous. You can still run it in the background on a different (ThreadPool) thread while you do other things using Task.Run:

var task = Task.Run(() => RunMySlowLogic());
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i3arnon Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
