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How to: Assign Keys.PageUp to ToolStripMenuItem.ShortcutKeys





ToolStripMenuItem mi = new ToolStripMenuItem();
var value = new KeysConverter().ConvertFromString("PageUp");
// value = Enum.Parse(typeof (Keys), "PageUp");
var cast = (Keys) value;
mi.ShortcutKeys = cast;

I'm trying to convert the string "PageUp" into the appropriate System.Windows.Forms.Keys value. However, both parsing approaches (Enum.Parse() vs. KeysConverter.ConvertFromString()) set value to LButton | Space, which leads to an InvalidEnumArgumentException on the last line.


  • System.Windows.Forms.Keys is a Flags enum
  • PageUp has a value of 33, LButton is 1, Space is 32 ==> meaning Enum.Parse works correctly.

How do I correctly parse "PageUp" into Keys.PageUp?

Silly me. the parsing works correctly.

ToolStripMenuItem mi = new ToolStripMenuItem();
mi.ShortcutKeys = Keys.PageUp;

but this one throws the above mentioned exception.
So after realising I barked up the wrong tree:

How can one assign Keys.PageUp to ToolStripMenuItem.ShortcutKeys?

like image 897
yas4891 Avatar asked Oct 18 '11 08:10


2 Answers

As it turns out, ShortcutKeys uses this logic to accept possible shortcut keys (however, None is always accepted):

public static bool IsValidShortcut(Keys shortcut) { 
    // should have a key and one or more modifiers.

    Keys keyCode = (Keys)(shortcut & Keys.KeyCode); 
    Keys modifiers = (Keys)(shortcut & Keys.Modifiers);

    if (shortcut == Keys.None) {
        return false;
    else if ((keyCode == Keys.Delete) || (keyCode == Keys.Insert)) { 
        return true;
    else if (((int)keyCode >= (int)Keys.F1) && ((int)keyCode <= (int)Keys.F24)) { 
        // function keys by themselves are valid
        return true; 
    else if ((keyCode != Keys.None) && (modifiers != Keys.None)) {
        switch (keyCode) {
            case Keys.Menu: 
            case Keys.ControlKey:
            case Keys.ShiftKey: 
                // shift, control and alt arent valid on their own. 
                return false;
                if (modifiers == Keys.Shift) {
                    // shift + somekey isnt a valid modifier either
                    return false;
                return true;
    // has to have a valid keycode and valid modifier.
    return false; 

So you can use, None, Delete, Insert, F1-F12 keys on their own, or all other keys with Alt, Ctrl, and, only as additional, Shift key modifier.

like image 76
Petr Abdulin Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10

Petr Abdulin

The second you are asking the right question, you'll find the answer....

this one clarified it for me: Setting the Windows Forms ToolStripMenuItem ShortcutKeys property to numpad key does not work

quote from the accepted answer there:
You must use Ctrl or Alt in shortcuts.

like image 44
yas4891 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10
