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How to assign a prop value to a state in react

I have an overlay which is launched from another React component which have a button that also changes itself. The change happens when the user clicks the button, then the button changes it's classname. It also sends a prop value to the children component which is the overlay. The overlay adds a class depending on the property and if it is clicked. Everthing is working pretty nice, but now I have to do another thing. When a user click on the overlay, it have to close up. Before this change, everything was working for the button I mentioned earlier.

Well this is the button component:

export default class StatusBarButton extends React.Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {active: false}
        this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this)

    handleClick() {
        this.setState({ active: !this.state.active });

    render() {
        var cx = require('classnames');
        var button = cx ({
            'statusbar-button-container' : true,
            'active' : this.state.active
        var animation = cx ({
            'statusbar-button-cross-image' : true,
            'rotate' : true,
            'active' : this.state.active

        return (
            <div className="astatusbar-center-wrapper">
                <div className={button} onClick={this.handleClick}>
                    <img src="images/navbar-element-icon-cross.png" className={animation}/>
                <OverlayView isOpen={this.state.active} />

And this is the Overlay at the moment:

export default class OverlayView extends React.Component {
    constructor (props){
        this.state = {open: false}
        this.setState({ open: this.props.isOpen });

    render() {
        var cx = require('classnames');
        var overlay = cx({
            'overlay': true,
            'overlay-slidedown': true,
            'open': this.state.open

        return (    
            <div className={overlay} onClick={this._closeOverlay}>
                <div className="overlay-menu-wrapper">
                    <OverlayNewInvoiceButton />
                    <OverlayNewBudgetButton />
                    <OverlayNewTicketButton />

As you see I'm trying to get the prop value and assign it to the state, but it's not working. How can I assign the prop value to the state and use it?

Regards, JP

like image 885
Fraccier Avatar asked May 06 '15 11:05


1 Answers

You are missing componentWillReceiveProps(props) method in your OverlayView component.

export default class OverlayView extends React.Component {
    constructor (props){
        this.state = {open: props.isOpen}

    componentWillReceiveProps(props) {
        this.setState({open: props.isOpen});

    render() {
        let open = '';
        if (this.state.open === true) {
            open = 'open';

        let overlayClass = `overlay overlay-slidedown ${open}`;

        return (    
            <div className={overlayClass} onClick={this._closeOverlay}>
                <div className="overlay-menu-wrapper">

Full working example: https://codesandbox.io/s/35wLR4nA

like image 163
itumb Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10
