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How to assert that input value is truthy with cypress



I have some input

<input />

How to assert that input has truthy value?

I think it's possible with

cy('input').should('not.have.value', '')

but I think it's slightly unreliable. Or maybe not. But anyway, would be nice to know some other way to check for truthy value.

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Maksim Nesterenko Avatar asked Aug 28 '19 13:08

Maksim Nesterenko

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1 Answers

Just found that invoke thing, so it's possible to do so:

cy.get('input').invoke('val').should('not.be.empty') // works in the same way.

invoke is the way to call functions (jquery command in that case).

like image 69
Maksim Nesterenko Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10

Maksim Nesterenko