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How to arrange Airflow Dags in the UI tidy in folders?


I'm using Airflow version 1.9.0, and I'm gonna have hundreds of Dags. is there a way to arrange the Airflow UI with folders, sub folders, and only then to put the Dags in it?

enter image description here

like image 597
Maor Aharon Avatar asked Mar 28 '19 08:03

Maor Aharon

People also ask

How do I change DAGs folder in Airflow?

Change the Dag folder by using the following commands. Run the . bashrc file by using the below command. Now if you run airflow webserver, it will pick the dags from the AIRFLOW_HOME/dags directory.

Where are Airflow DAG files stored?

cfg . The default location for your DAGs is ~/airflow/dags .

How do I make a DAG in Airflow UI?

Step 1, define you biz model with user inputs Step 2, write in as dag file in python, the user input could be read by airflow variable model. (key/value mode) step 3. exchange tasks info by airflow xcom model. then it done.

What is the best view to spot any bottleneck in your DAG?

The graph view is perhaps the most comprehensive. Visualize your DAG's dependencies and their current status for a specific run.

2 Answers

The UI doesn't ship with that, but you can use the search bar to filter out what DAGs you're seeing. For instance you can type in your Owner name if you just want to see your own DAGs.

like image 173
chris.mclennon Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 21:10


My approach is make a consistent naming convention for dag_id, such as:

like image 32
Nguyen Van Duc Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 21:10

Nguyen Van Duc