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How to apply update using Filtered positional operator with arrayFilters

I am running on Mongodb 3.6, with mongo driver 3.4.3 and spring data mongo 1.5.10. Below is the structure of my document

  "_id": 12345,
  "_class": "com.example.ProductRates",
  "rates": [
      "productId": NumberInt(1234),
      "rate": 100.0,
      "rateCardId": NumberInt(1),
      "month": NumberInt(201801)
      "productId": NumberInt(1234),
      "rate": 200.0,
      "rateCardId": NumberInt(1),
      "month": NumberInt(201802)
      "productId": NumberInt(1234),
      "rate": 400.0,
      "rateCardId": NumberInt(2),
      "month": NumberInt(201803)
      "productId": NumberInt(1235),
      "rate": 500.0,
      "rateCardId": NumberInt(1),
      "month": NumberInt(201801)
      "productId": NumberInt(1235),
      "rate": 234,
      "rateCardId": NumberInt(2),
      "month": NumberInt(201803)

am trying to do bulk update on the data as shown below

  { "_id" : 1234 },
  { $set: { "rates.$[item].rate": 200  } },
  { multi: true, 
   arrayFilters: [ { "item.rateCardId": {$in: [ 1, 2]} } ]

Now and trying to convert this code to java. Below is the code i was able to achieve for a bulk update case. As expected the below query is updating all the document due to the usage of $[]. Am trying to figure out how to apply array filters here using positional array update operators (like $[one] ).

WriteResult wr = getMongoTemplate().updateMulti(
            new Query(where("rates.rateCardId").is(1234)),
            new Update().set("rates.$[].rate", 200),

Also I could not find enough tutorials or documentation that suggests how to apply all the complex mongo queries in Java. please suggest if there are any good books or tutorial i can refer to.

like image 276
Kumaran Avatar asked Jan 29 '23 06:01


1 Answers

That should be:

WriteResult wr = getMongoTemplate().updateMulti(
  new Query(where("rates.rateCardId").is(1234)),
  new Update().set("rates.$[item].rate", 200),
  new UpdateOptions()
      Arrays.asList( Filters.in("item.rateCardId",Arrays.asList(1,2)) )

You need to make sure the underlying Java Driver is a 3.6.x version or greater in order to have the arrayFilters() and likely even to support the addition of UpdateOptions()

like image 197
Neil Lunn Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 20:01

Neil Lunn