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how to apply patch files in wso2 carbon

Can someone please run through the steps that you need to follow to apply .patch files onto WSO2 ESB v4.0.3? I've tried the following:

  1. Upload .patch file to repository/components/patches and carbon_home/lib/patches

  2. Run wso2server.sh start -DapplyPatches

This command creates a dir called patch000 in the components/patches directory and fills it with plugins.

The patch I want to apply is https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRANSPORTS-51

Many thanks

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ourweehome Avatar asked Jul 03 '12 08:07


2 Answers

You need to apply .patch file to the code base and create jar(s) out of it. Then Create a folder with the name of the patch (eg: patch001) and place the jar(s) inside and copy newly created patch folder (eg: patch001) to repository/components/patches. Now running the wso2server.sh -DapplyPatches will work.

when you execute -DapplyPatches, it takes a backup of the original content of the repository/components/plugins directory to repository/components/patches directory that's why you see patch000 folder (hence revert-back to a previous state is possible).

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Thilini Ishaka Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10

Thilini Ishaka

From carbon 4.2.0 onwards you don't need to provide -DapplyPatches option in order to apply the patch. When a server started up it automatically detects and apply if there are new patches. This can be verified from the log file repository/logs/patches.log

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Sajith Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 23:10
