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how to apply multiple git patches in one shot




People also ask

When should I use git patches?

GIT patch or GIT diff is used to share the changes made by you to others without pushing it to main branch of the repository. This way other people can check your changes from the GIT patch file you made and suggest the necessary corrections.

Why is git apply skipping patch?

A patch is usually skipped when the changes it contains were already applied in the past. There are many possible reasons for this: a merge, a cherry-pick, changes operated manually or using another patch etc.

You can use git am, for example

$ git am *.patch

For all available options, checkout the man page.

To get one commit for all patches:

git apply *.patch
git add -A
git commit -m '<your message>'

Patches are applied in the order of the directory listing.

git apply has most of the flags of git am