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How to apply bounce animation to my text view?

I want to apply bounce animation to my text. Is it possible to do that? If so, can you please tell me how? Thank You.

like image 442
Rajkumar Reddy Avatar asked Jun 20 '11 06:06

Rajkumar Reddy

People also ask

How would you add a bounce animation to the image?

Go to the app -> res right click on res folder then New -> Android Resource Directory and create an anim Directory. Then right-click on anim folder then go to New -> Animation Resource File and create a bounce.

1 Answers

Updated links [Thank you kaay for indicating that all previous links are now 404]

There is a Bouncing Ball example in Android source, which can be your start point.

Another good resources are

  • Bouncing a ball on Android’s canvas
  • Android Animation Tutorial
like image 111
Pankaj Kumar Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10

Pankaj Kumar