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how to append string to <a href=" with jQuery or Javascript?

I've the elements as follows,

<div id="pager">
<a href="/somepath/1">First</a>
<a href="/somepath/1">Previous</a>
<a class="" href="/somepath/1">1</a>
<a class="Current" href="/somepath/2">2</a>
<a class="" href="/somepath/3">3</a>
<a href="/somepath/3">Next</a>
<a href="/somepath/20">Last</a>

and I want it to be changed as follows within browser.

<div id="pager">
<a href="/somepath/1?a=text">First</a>
<a href="/somepath/1?a=text">Previous</a>
<a class="" href="/somepath/1?a=text">1</a>
<a class="Current" href="/somepath/2?a=text">2</a>
<a class="" href="/somepath/3?a=text">3</a>
<a href="/somepath/3?a=text">Next</a>
<a href="/somepath/20?a=text">Last</a>

So that I can use the "a" data values to next page. Can any one give me the code, which does the appends inside

div id="pager" -> <a> -> href="

and i wants to remove the added text with another onChange event.

Thanks in advance

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user9371102 Avatar asked Jul 19 '13 13:07


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jQuery append() MethodThe append() method inserts specified content at the end of the selected elements. Tip: To insert content at the beginning of the selected elements, use the prepend() method.

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In JavaScript, you can call a function or snippet of JavaScript code through the HREF tag of a link. This can be useful because it means that the given JavaScript code is going to automatically run for someone clicking on the link. HREF refers to the “HREF” attribute within an A LINK tag (hyperlink in HTML).

1 Answers

Since jquery is tagged :

$('#pager a').each(function(){
     this.href += '?a=text';

Vanilla JS would look like this :

var a = document.getElementById('pager').getElementsByTagName('a'),
    length = a.length;

for(var i=0; i< length; i++){
    a[i].href += '?a=text';
like image 62
Karl-André Gagnon Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09

Karl-André Gagnon