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how to append item to an array value with Sequelize + PostgreSQL

I have a posgresql database, table has a column which is an array: Sequelize.ARRAY(Sequelize.BIGINT).

What is the right way to append a new item to the array?

I am new to posgresql, sequelize and nodejs. May be it is a trivial question. From reading around I think I know how to use Promise.all to read all rows, append, and update back. The question, isn't there any useful shortcut.

PostreSQL documentation mentions a function array_append(anyarray, anyelement).

Sequelize documentation offers a function fn, which Creates an object representing a database function, but only seems to be working in where and order parts

Any way to combine those for an append-like update?

like image 762
Michael Avatar asked May 14 '17 10:05


1 Answers

Array Datatype has many methods like append, concat etc. which you can see here. I will give an example with array_append function.

Room is a sequelize model and job_ids is a column in this model with datatype as Array of integer. sequelize is an instant of Sequelize class.

 {'job_ids': sequelize.fn('array_append', sequelize.col('job_ids'), new_jobId)},
 {'where': {'id': roomId}}

Assuming default value of this column is an empty array else it may throw an error.

like image 135
Aman Gupta Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 04:10

Aman Gupta