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How to api-query for the default vhost



The RabbitMQ documentation states:

Default Virtual Host and User

When the server first starts running, and detects that its database is uninitialised or has been deleted, it initialises a fresh database with the following resources:

a virtual host named /

The api has things like:


where "?name?" is a specific exchange-name.

However, what does one put in for the #vhost# for the default-vhost?

like image 551
granadaCoder Avatar asked May 09 '16 19:05


1 Answers

As write here: http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-management/raw-file/3646dee55e02/priv/www-api/help.html

As the default virtual host is called "/", this will need to be encoded as "%2f".





as result:

like image 139
Gabriele Santomaggio Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 19:09

Gabriele Santomaggio