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How to analyze 'dbcc memorystatus' result in SQL Server 2008

Currently I am facing a SQL memory pressure issue. i have run dbcc memorystatus, here is part of my result:

Memory Manager                           KB
---------------------------------------- -----------
VM Reserved                              23617160
VM Committed                             14818444
Locked Pages Allocated                   0
Reserved Memory                          1024
Reserved Memory In Use                   0

Memory node Id = 0                       KB
---------------------------------------- -----------
VM Reserved                              23613512
VM Committed                             14814908
Locked Pages Allocated                   0
MultiPage Allocator                      387400
SinglePage Allocator                     3265000

---------------------------------------- -----------
VM Reserved                              16809984
VM Committed                             14184208
Locked Pages Allocated                   0
SM Reserved                              0
SM Committed                             0
SinglePage Allocator                     0
MultiPage Allocator                      408

MEMORYCLERK_SQLCLR (node 0)              KB
---------------------------------------- -----------
VM Reserved                              6311612
VM Committed                             141616
Locked Pages Allocated                   0
SM Reserved                              0
SM Committed                             0
SinglePage Allocator                     1456
MultiPage Allocator                      20144

CACHESTORE_SQLCP (node 0)                KB
---------------------------------------- -----------
VM Reserved                              0
VM Committed                             0
Locked Pages Allocated                   0
SM Reserved                              0
SM Committed                             0
SinglePage Allocator                     3101784
MultiPage Allocator                      300328

Buffer Pool                              Value
---------------------------------------- -----------
Committed                                1742946
Target                                   1742946
Database                                 1333883
Dirty                                    940
In IO                                    1
Latched                                  18
Free                                     89
Stolen                                   408974
Reserved                                 2080
Visible                                  1742946
Stolen Potential                         1579938
Limiting Factor                          13
Last OOM Factor                          0
Page Life Expectancy                     5463

Process/System Counts                    Value
---------------------------------------- --------------------
Available Physical Memory                258572288
Available Virtual Memory                 8771398631424
Available Paging File                    16030617600
Working Set                              15225597952
Percent of Committed Memory in WS        100
Page Faults                              305556823
System physical memory high              1
System physical memory low               0
Process physical memory low              0
Process virtual memory low               0

Procedure Cache                          Value
---------------------------------------- -----------
TotalProcs                               11382
TotalPages                               430160
InUsePages                               28

Can you lead me to analyze this result ?

Is it a lot execute plan have been cached causing the memory issue or other reasons?

like image 467
user337390 Avatar asked May 11 '10 12:05


People also ask

How do I find a memory leak in SQL Server?

You can also get these parameters from task manager - go into the process view, choose view columns and add the relevant columns. If no processes in task manager/perfmon show a memory leak, but the overall memory is still going up, then the leak must be down at the kernel level.

How do I know if my SQL Server has enough memory?

To determine if more memory is needed for SQL, monitor the following Performance Metrics: Buffer Manager/Buffer Node: Page Life Expectancy (PLE)PLE indicates the number of seconds a page in memory has to live if it isn't touched – if there is memory pressure, this value will decrease.

Why is SQL using so much memory?

The reason for this is that SQL Server cache the data in the database in RAM so that it can access the data faster than it could if it needed to read the data from the disk every time a user needed it.

1 Answers

This is a bit late, but perhaps it will help someone else who reads this. From seeing Available Virtual Memory of 8 TB, I can tell this is a 64 bit system - along with the absence of any references to AWE allocation.

As Lette points out, the OS itself only has 256 MB of Available Physical Memory - but that's just what's remaining, not the total amount installed. SQL will try to use as much physical memory that's installed as possible for performance; accessing memory is by far faster than moving a disk head.

Going by VM Committed, SQL is using 14.1 GB of physical memory going by VM Committed - I'll guess that 16 GB total of physical memory is present, accounting for OS needs, available physical memory, and 16 being a good round number.

Memory pressure is coming from two primary areas: SQL buffer pool, and SQL Plan Cache.

SQL Buffer Pool

About 13.5 GB of memory is benig used for the buffer pool. Not atypical for SQL; it will try to use as much memory as it can.

SQL Plan Cache:

Aaccording to 11,382 ad-hoc queries query plans are cached. However, only 28 plans are in use - less than 1%. If we map this back to CACHESTORE_SQLCP, we see an interesting story - no memory is currently being used for these plans at this time, but I think at one point it had consuming 3.24 GB of memory. I must admit that I'm less sure of this, and would certainly appreciate a 2nd opinion on seeing 0 for VM Commmitted but values present for the allocators.

Summary Since you're running SQL 2008, consider enabling optimizing for ad hoc query plans. This will help quite a bit with memory pressure if your workloads are primarily ad hoc.


like image 196
JohnW Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
