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How to align a SwiftUI navigationBarTitle to be centered?

How does one centre a navigation bar title in SwiftUI?

var body: some View {
    NavigationView {
        .navigationBarTitle("Todo Lists")
like image 908
Greg Avatar asked Aug 13 '19 22:08


3 Answers

.navigationBarTitle allows for three display modes - .large, .inline, and .automatic.

From the documentation:

case automatic

Inherit the display mode from the previous navigation item.

case inline

Display the title within the standard bounds of the navigation bar.

case large

Display a large title within an expanded navigation bar.

So it depends what you mean when you say "how does one centre a navigation bar title in SwiftUI?" You cannot center a navigation bar title that has a display mode of .large. You also cannot left-align or right-align a navigation bar title that has a display mode of .inline. If you want a navigation bar title that is centered, then your only option is to use .inline.

var body: some View {
    NavigationView {
            .navigationBarTitle("Todo Lists", displayMode: .inline)
like image 124
graycampbell Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10


Also, an awesome approach was shown here.

It's perfect when you need to customize navbar. Keyword .principal is for positioning

NavigationView {
    Text("Hello, SwiftUI!")
        .toolbar {
            ToolbarItem(placement: .principal) {
                HStack {
                    Image(systemName: "sun.min.fill")
like image 29
Eduard Streltsov Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 08:10

Eduard Streltsov

You can't change the text format in title. But here is a work around, it will work as requested (without large gap):

    Text("Todo Lists")
.padding(.bottom, -15.0)
        ForEach(instrNewOld) { instrIdx in
            SourceCodeView(cat: instrIdx)
    .navigationBarTitle(Text("no text"), displayMode: .automatic)
like image 2
Enrico Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10
