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How to aggregate a boolean field with null values with pandas?

I'm working with pandas for the first time and I'm having some issues with aggregation. I have a dataframe with three calculated fields added by an apply statement like this:

dataset['calculated_field'] = dataset.apply(
    lambda row: calculation_function(
    axis = 1

The calculated fields are booleans, but with a catch. They can contain null values.

I am trying to find the average of the boolean columns, with each average ignoring the null fields for that column.

I've tried something like this:

resultset = dataset.groupby(['grouping_field'])[['calculated_field','calculated_field_2','calculated_field_3']].mean()

The problem is that since the True/False/None boolean is an "object" type, pandas drops the columns entirely as a “nuisance” column..

I can't convert the column to a bool, though, because it makes the null values "False"

I also tried the long route and created 3 seperate dataframes for each aggregate, so I could drop the null values and convert to bool (which can be aggregated):

dataset_for_field1 = dataset.dropna(subset = ['calculated_field']).copy()
dataset_for_field1['calculated_field'] = dataset_for_field1['calculated_field'].astype('bool')

result_for_field1 = dataset_for_field1.groupby(['grouping_field'])['calculated_field'].mean()

This gives me the data I'm looking for, but in three separate dataframes.

Is there a way to get one dataframe with the average of each column, ignoring nulls?

like image 947
jwaltzjr Avatar asked Mar 24 '17 20:03


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1 Answers

Convert them to numeric columns. The None will become NaN, Trues become 1, and Falses become 0. A convenient way to convert the whole dataframe is to use pd.to_numeric with the errors parameter set to ignore. This will leave the grouping column alone because it will error out on move on.

Consider the dataframe df

df = pd.DataFrame(dict(
        clc1=[True, False, True, None] * 2,
        clc2=[True, False, True, False] * 2,
        clc3=[True, True, True, True] * 2,
        clc4=[False, None, None, True]* 2

This is what converting to numeric looks like

df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='ignore')

   clc1   clc2  clc3  clc4 gcol
0   1.0   True  True   0.0    a
1   0.0  False  True   NaN    a
2   1.0   True  True   NaN    a
3   NaN  False  True   1.0    a
4   1.0   True  True   0.0    b
5   0.0  False  True   NaN    b
6   1.0   True  True   NaN    b
7   NaN  False  True   1.0    b

Using this with the subsequent groupby should get you what you want.

df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='ignore').groupby('gcol').mean()

          clc1  clc2  clc3  clc4
a     0.666667   0.5   1.0   0.5
b     0.666667   0.5   1.0   0.5
like image 192
piRSquared Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 15:10
