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How to add xmlns in the root in XML in SQL Server 2014

I am trying to add xmlns MsgDtTm & MessageIdattributes in root element of XML in SQL Server 2014. I am trying this:

declare @TEMP table (ID nvarchar(max), Name nvarchar(max))
declare @count int =0
WHILE @count < 4 
   declare @name nvarchar(20),@id nvarchar(max)
   select @name= SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(255), NEWID()), 0, 7)
         ,@id= CHAR(ROUND(RAND() * 93 + 33, 0))
   insert into @TEMP values(@id,@name)
   set @count= @count +1

declare @msgId nvarchaR(24)
SET @msgId='11EXP'+REPLACE(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),103),'/','')+'1'
DECLARE @Xml xml
SET @Xml = (select * from @TEMP for xml path('DefaultName'), type)
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES (DEFAULT 'http://abc.go.com')
select GETDATE() as "@MsgDtTm"
  ,@msgId as "@MessageId"
  ,--'http://abc.go.com' as "@xmlns",
@Xml for xml path('Person')

and getting this result

<Person xmlns="http://abc.go.com" MsgDtTm="2016-11-21T15:13:10.440" MessageId="11EXP211120161">
  <DefaultName xmlns="">
  <DefaultName xmlns="">
  <DefaultName xmlns="">
  <DefaultName xmlns="">

I am getting the blank xmlns attribute in Default element. I want xmlns in Person element not in Default element. My expected result is as follows:

<Person xmlns="http://abc.go.com" MsgDtTm="2016-11-21T15:13:10.440" MessageId="11EXP211120161">

if I use ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ('http://abc.go.com' as f) then it will be in root but in result I will get xmlns:f="...". I don't want to append :objectOfXMLNAMESPACES, I just want xmlns.

like image 924
Iswar Avatar asked Nov 21 '16 09:11


People also ask

Where can you define the xmlns attribute?

XML Namespaces - The xmlns Attribute The namespace can be defined by an xmlns attribute in the start tag of an element. The namespace declaration has the following syntax. xmlns:prefix="URI".

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When you bulk import XML data from a file that contains an encoding declaration that you want to apply, specify the SINGLE_BLOB option in the OPENROWSET(BULK...) clause. The SINGLE_BLOB option ensures that the XML parser in SQL Server imports the data according to the encoding scheme specified in the XML declaration.

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To insert data into an XML column, use the SQL INSERT statement. The input to the XML column must be a well-formed XML document, as defined in the XML 1.0 specification. The application data type can be an XML, character, or binary type.

1 Answers

It is a very annoying behaviour, that SQL Server adds namespaces to each sub-select over and over.

You will find a lot of workarounds here on SO, some use an ugly cast to NVARCHAR(MAX) to insert the namespace on string base, other use more or less complicated ways.

For you the simplest should be this:

;WITH XMLNAMESPACES (DEFAULT 'http://abc.go.com')
SELECT @xml=
        SELECT ID,Name
        FROM @TEMP
        FOR XML PATH('DefaultName'),ROOT('Person'),TYPE
DECLARE @mid VARCHAR(100)='11EXP'+REPLACE(convert(varchar(10),getdate(),103),'/','')+'1';

SET @xml.modify('insert (attribute MsgDtTm {sql:variable("@d")}
                        ,attribute MessageId {sql:variable("@mid")}) into (/*:Person)[1]');

SELECT @xml;


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This is a well known issue lasting for years!!..

like image 128
Shnugo Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 02:10
